A moderation bot with a few fun commands like tr.randno! More to be added soon!
General Commands:
-> tr.help - Shows all the available commands!
-> tr.ping - Shows the latency and api latency
-> tr.serverlink - Gives you the invite link to the official server for this bot! (Mind that its geometry dash related!)
-> tr.roles - Shows all the roles!
-> tr.invitelink - Gives you the invite link for this bot!
-> tr.about - Gives information about the bot!
-> tr.randno - Generates a random number
-> tr.sebirand - I can't even describe this command...
-> tr.chucknorris - Gives facts about our one and only, Chuck Norris
-> tr.donaldtrump - UwU
Moderation Commands:
-> tr.ban - Bans the user mentioned!(Requires BAN_MEMBERS)
-> tr.purge - Deletes the number of messages.Number of messages can be between 2 and 100.(Requires MANAGE_MESSAGES)
-> tr.dezalgo - Removes zalgo from a nickname.(Requires MANAGE_MESSAGES)
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