mellow Bot! A new bot brought to you by me. He offers moderation, fun, and more and more to come!
mellow Bot mellow Bot! A new bot brought to you by me. He offers moderation, fun, and more and more to come!
[] required () optional. For help do ^^help
--FUN-- | mellows Fun Commands |
osu [user] | Get a users osu! stats. |
choose [choice] [choice1] [choice...] | Make me choose from the choices. |
say [text] | I will say what you want. mellow at your server master |
love [lover] [lovee] | Check how much two persons love each other. :wink: |
markov (channel) | Generate a markov chain for the channel or the channel where fired. |
giphy [query] | Grab an image from Giphy. |
slap [user] | Slap a user. To show no fear? |
hug [user] | Hug a user cause we all need a hug sometimes |
--INFO-- | mellows Info Commands |
ping | Get the bots latency to Discord Websockets. |
uptime | Check how long the bot has been up. |
avatar (user) | Get the users avatar or yours. |
userinfo (user) | Get basic userinfo about the user or you. |
info | Check bot stats like memory and cpu. |
--MODERATION-- | mellows Moderation Commands |
softban [user] (reason) BAN_MEMBERS | Softban a user. Softbanning is when you ban and unban a user to delete their messages. |
ban [userID] (reason) BAN_MEMBERS | Ban a user by ID. Can ban people that aren't in the server too. |
kick [user] (reason) KICK_MEMBERS | Kicks a user. |
prefix disable ADMINISTRATOR | Disable the servers custom prefix. |
prefix set [prefix] ADMINISTRATOR | Set the servers custom prefix. |
warn [user] (reason) MANAGE_MESSAGES | Warns a user and archives it. |
unwarn [user] MANAGE_MESSAGES | Removes a user warning via interactive message. |
swarnings [user] MANAGE_MESSAGES | Check a users latest 10 warnings. |
autorole set [role] MANAGE_ROLES | Sets servers autorole. |
autorole disable MANAGE_ROLES | Disables autorole. |
warnings | Check your latest 5 warnings. Does not need special permission but can only check your warnings. |
mute [user] (channel) | Mute a user from usong the channel. |
unmute [user] (channel) | Unmute the user from the channel. |
clear [amount] (user) | Clear messages in the channel from everyone or the user. |
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