A simple bot that can countdown for you in seconds, minutes, and hours. Then, notify you when its done.
I am a simple countdown bot that can set
timers for you on discord, and notify you when they are
done. I can be useful at times, and irrelevant at others. If you ever need to time something, give me a call!
<<help, and <<help 2: see all commands, or <<info to see basic information on the bot.
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<<start (# of units here) (s, d, h, or m here) (name of countdown here): Start a countdown!
Example: "<<start 5m egg cooking time" would start a countdown for 5 minutes, named 'egg
cooking time.
<<status: see all of your countdown' s names, IDs, and time left. <<status (@ handle here): see
someone else's countdowns. <<statusall: see your whole server's countdowns. <<stop: (countdown
ID here):
Stop a countdown using it's ID. IDs can be accessed with <<status.
<<status: see all of your countdown' s names, IDs, and time left. <<status (@ handle here): see
someone else's countdowns. <<statusall: see your whole server's countdowns. <<stop: (countdown
ID here):
Stop a countdown using it's ID. IDs can be accessed with <<status.
Version: 2.1