A Megumin focused discord bot! VC with Megumin, read the Konosuba LN's, spinoffs, and manga, all within Discord! Or cast explosions..
r/Megumin Discord | r/Megumin Subreddit | r/Konosuba Subreddit | r/Konosuba Discord
help : Showscase all of her commands
invite: provides an invite link
reddit: Grabs a recent top post on r/Megumin
doujin: Random cute Kazumin comic from https://mangadex.org/title/47831/kono-subarashii-sekai-ni-shukufuku-wo-kazumegu-will-get-married-in-100-days-doujinshi
quote: Grabs a random Megumin quote from http://www.animecharactersdatabase.com/animequotes.php?cid=75490! (will be up to date)
explosion: Casts an explosion quote alongside an explosion gif, explosions being counted to db
stats: Shows the overall stats of the bot (uptime, ping, servers, users, explosion count, etc)
ln (volume #) (chapter #): Be able to read any volume and chapter from the Konosuba light novel series! (https://cgtranslations.me/)
- Any volume and chapter from V1 to V16 is currently indexable,
- Epilogues and Short Stories won't be added to encourage people to visit the site
- Latest spin off/chapter releases will always be delayed by two weeks, if you'd like a first hand release please visit cgtranslations.me
(spinoff) (volume #) (chapter #): Read any of the spinoffs such as the Dust spin offs!
- All spin offs are currently indexable, for the (spinoff) you can use "explosions" "dust" and "masked" respectively,
manga (manga) (page #): Be able to pull any image from any of the Konosuba series manga! (web scrapped from mangadex.org)
- Manga isn't yet indexable, for the (manga) you can use "KonosubaEverydayLife" "MaskedDevil" and "ContinuedExplosions" respectively
(happy/cry/chomu/beer/surprised/thumbsup): Sends a Megumin focused reaction gif!
sound (#): Be able to play any sound effect from megumin.love's dashboard in your voice calls!
- In #, you can put any number from 1-32
- If you leave the placeholder blank, it'll play a random sound
disable (command): Disable any command in the channel the command is ran in
- You can enable the command again by repeating the same command, ex: Megu disable explosions => Megu disable explosions
- You can disable all commands with , and a ! to enable all commands again ex: Megu disable * => Megu disable !*
economy help: Get more info on the economy! DB is up and working
anime: Search Kitsu for a synapse on an anime/manga!
Megumaid is still in development! There will be occasional downtime as updates are being pushed
With that in mind, here's my current work in progress!
(Feature Added) Web scrapping the light novels from u/CannonGerbil's cgtranslations.me and posting them in an embed, being able to search specific volumes, chapters, and even parts at any given time!
(Feature Added) Integrating u/robflop's megumin.love soundboard into Megumaid! With this, you'll be able to call any of Megumin's lines (in megumin.love's soundboard) into your voicecalls!