AviBot is your free aviation friend, just ask him for charts, metar, taf, IVAO data, NavAids positions, NATs etc.
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AviBot usage
Weather commands
!metar [ICAO] - returns current metar report for airport with given [ICAO] code
!taf [ICAP] - returns current taf report for airport with given [ICAO] code
Airport ops commands
!charts [ICAO] - sends latest charts of airport with [ICAO] code to user
!notams [ICAO] - sends latest notams of airport with [ICAO] code to user
!active [ICAO] - returns runways suitable for use based on metar wind direction for airport with [ICAO]
!briefing [ICAO] - combined !metar, !taf and !charts command
Virtual networks commands
!ivao [CALLSIGN] - returns data of active user with [CALLSIGN] on IVAO network
!vatsim [CALLSIGN] - returns data of active user with [CALLSIGN] on vatsim network
!atis [CALLSIGN] [NETWORK] - returns ATIS for controller with [CALLSIGN] on IVAO or VATSIM depending on [NETWORK] parameter (IVAO/VATSIM)
!control [ICAO] [NETWORK] - returns list of logged controllers on airport [ICAO] on IVAO or VATSIM depending on [NETWORK] parameter (IVAO/VATSIM)
!airport [ICAO] - return arrivals and departures for airport with [ICAO] on IVAO network
Navigation commands
!navaid [NAME] - returns name and position of given NavAid
!nats all - returns all current NAT (North Atlatic Tracks)
Admin commands
!setprefix [PREFIX] - establishes new server custom prefix as [PREFIX]
In case of errors/bugs or development ideas contact me via mail on jakubpat@protonmail.com
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