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ValorBot provides an all-in-one customized experience for League, Valorant, TFT, and LoR. Automatic patch notes, live tweets, and more!


ValorBot is a Discord Bot designed to provide an all-in-one experience for Riot's Games. We designed it in order to create a single bot that can cover all of your Riot Games needs without the hassle!


This bot provides information on any LoL summoner’s rank in both solo queue and flex queue. The bot also can retrieve a requested summoner’s rank in TFT. Using the bots "opt-in/opt-out" feature, users can request to be notified when a patch note comes out for the following games: LoL, TFT, and Valorant. You can also request for ValorBot to use the opt in feature to grab live tweets from the main Riot Games twitter account and the main twitter accounts for the other respective games. A unique feature to ValorBot is our local leaderboard system, where players of LoL and TFT can create a “group” of up to 15 summoners and they can see how they rank against their friends in solo queue. Groups of players can also refresh the ranks of all players within the group using a single command.

Upcoming Features:

We plan to provide support for both the leaderboards and rank retrieval as soon as the API is released for Valorant, and if/when a more robust API is released for Legends of Runeterra in the future.

This will show a list of all the commands that ValorBot currently offers and how to use them

ValorBot Main Help Commands

Please reference the setup commands if you this is your first time using ValorBot on this server! Here are some acceptable forms of each game input:

  • League of Legends: LoL, League, League of Legends, or lol
  • Valorant: val, Valorant, or valorant
  • Teamfight Tactics: TFT, Teamfight Tactics, Team fight Tactics, tft, team fight tactics or teamfight tactics
  • Legends of Runeterra: lor, LoR, Legends of Runeterra, or legends of runeterra

Server Setup Commands

These commands are for admins only

?setregion region - This command sets the default region for this server. Current options: na, euw, eune, oce, kr, jp, br, las, lan, ru, and tr (capatalization does not matter)

?sendtweets game - Use this command to set up the text channel that you wish to receive live tweets in, you will not receive these tweets until you run this command. If you wish to change the channel simply run this command again.

?sendpatch game - Use this command to set up the text channel that you wish to receive live patch notes in, you will not receive these tweets until you run this command. If you wish to change the channel simply run this command again.

?stoptweets game - This is used to disable live tweets for this game

?stoppatch game - This is used to disable live patch notes for this game

Tweet Commands

?tweets - This lets you know which games have live tweets enabled on this server

League tweet

Patch Notes Commands

Does not support Legends of Runeterra

?currentpatch game - This is used to view the current patch of whichever game you put.

?patch - This lets you know which games have live patch notes enabled on this server

League patch notes

League of Legends Commmands

?ranklol summoner-name - Tells you the summoner's rank in solo queue and flex queue! It will also let you know if they are in a live game

?livegame summoner-name - Will give detailed information on the league game that they are currently in, if they are in one. ?livegameregion region summoner-name- Gets live game for summoners in other regions!

?clash - This will display when the upcoming clash dates!

?freechamps - This will display all the current free champion rotation for all you norms players!

?myregion - Looks up the region of this server'

League live game

TFT Commands

?ranktft summoner-name - Tells you the summoner's rank in TFT! It will also let you know if they are in a live game


Supported for Both League of Legends and TFT, just add tft to the end of each command if you want it to switch to a tft leaderboard, use ?makegroup first!

?makegroup group-name - Makes a group where you and your friends can track ranks and compete against eachother to see who comes out on top. Whatever name you choose will be how you see the leaderboard later so make sure to name it something you can remember.

?makegroupregion region group-name - Makes a group for a specified region.

?addplayer summoner-name - Adds a summoner to your group, only the group leader can do this!

?leaderboard group-name - Type the group name that you want to lookup, anyone can do this it does not have to be your group!

LoL leaderboard

Leaderboard Administrative Commands

make sure you are a group owner before using these commands

?mygroup - Displays the leaderboard name that you own (if you own one).'

?deleteplayer summoner name - Deletes a summoner from your group, only the group leader can do this!

?renamegroup new-group-name - Type the new group name that you wish to use

?deletegroup - This deletes the group that you own!

Invite and Support

?invite - Use this to get the invite link to add ValorBot to your server

?support - Use this to get support link to join the ValorBot Discord server to ask questions, give suggestions, report bugs, or talk to the devs

?helptz - Use this for help setting a timezone for your server.


ValorBot isn't endorsed by Riot Games and doesn't reflect the views or opinions of Riot Games or anyone officially involved in producing or managing League of Legends. League of Legends and Riot Games are trademarks or registered trademarks of Riot Games, Inc. League of Legends © Riot Games, Inc.

Ratings & Reviews


6 reviews

Reviews can be left only by registered users. All reviews are moderated by Top.gg moderators. Please make sure to check our guidelines before posting.

5 stars


4 stars


3 stars


2 stars


1 star



over 3 years ago

Honestly, ive been using this bot for a while now. It lets me keep track of all my friends feeder accounts. Its actually funny, the owners of this bot each have 5 different accounts and I made my leaderboard just of all their accounts! The highest one is in plat, but most of them are just so they can play together in disguise UwU. Kinda hype



over 3 years ago

This bot is really easy to use and helpful. (edited)



over 3 years ago

Seems pretty easy and simple but there is not much use aside from the patch notes for valorant.



almost 4 years ago

1. First of all, as there are multiple servers, I think that the language of bots for them should also be created. 2. The description on top.gg is so unkind. For example, in the case of setregion region, if you write just like that, what is it because people write setregion region kr, jp, etc. and the bot does not work? You can think of it. So, if you change setregion (region) rather than setre ...



over 3 years ago

Hi, good bot is possible multi lang ?





Server Count




    League of Legends


    Customizable Behavior


