A fun RPG game! Crawl dungeons, upgrade your gear, slay bosses, collect rewards, and more! https://www.terranovatechnology.com/novali
Novali is a free Discord RPG dungeon crawler. Use commands to create a character, complete dungeons, quests, and bosses. Upgrade your stats and become stronger!
First start by creating a new character! Use the *cc "character name" command to get started. If you get lost, be sure to type the *novalihelp or *nhelp commands.
*cc "Character name" - create a new character!
For a full list of commands please type *novalihelp in the server that you add Novali to!
*cc "Character name" - create a new character!
*c - Display's your character
*i or *item - shows currently equiped Items
*gold - Shows the amount of gold you have
*give x @username - Give x (where x is the amount of gold) to another player.
*skills - Shows the amount of skill points you have and how to use them
*d or *dungeon - Complete a dungeon for some small rewards (5 min cooldown)
*b or *boss - Fight a boss and collect better rewards (15 min cooldown)
*q or *quest - Compete a quest and earn some rewards (1 hour cooldown)
*s/shop/store - Browse the shop to purchase new items for extra damage!
*buy "item name" - Purchase an Item from the shop
*ls - Legendary Shop lbuy - Buy a legendary Item
*lbuy "item name" - Purchase an item from the Legendary shop
*r/rest - Rest and gain back your HP
*t - Show time left on activities
*rename "new name" - to rename your current character
*lb or *leader - show top players by level
*restartgameconfirm "character name" - Reset your game
5 reviews
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over 1 year ago
Please verify your bot. Sounds interesting but can't try it if we can't add it to our servers.
almost 3 years ago
So far I've had a great experience it's very unique and I can see its potential which will lead me to contribute in order to bring more awareness to this bot. A few things are left kt be improved but I'm sure it will happen.
almost 3 years ago
This is a REALLY fun and unique bot! I love being able to quickly do my quests, dungeons, and boss fights every time I hope on Discord. I like to have a little competition between friends, too! Since there's different ways to level up skills our characters can develop differently. Overall, I highly recommend adding Novali to any community server!