- Mp3 Command (download YouTube videos as mp3)
- Pretty damn sexy GUIs
- A fair amount of sass
- Pretty darn good bot uptime
- In-depth Music System
- Pause/play
- Upload your own files or play from a URL
- View a paginated queue
- Like your favorite songs
- Loop or shuffle the queue
- Play some sound effects
- Webshot command (take pictures of websites)
- A beautiful leveling system
- View multiple leaderboard pages
- Check your XP in style
- See how you compare to other people on the bot, globally
- Fun
- Lenny command
- Reverse text
- Time something with the stopwatch command
- Minecraft
- Check a server's status
- View skins
- View name histories
- Random APIs
- Get a cat
- Achieve a dog
- Ask the Magical Eight Ball a question
- View some xkcd comics
- Do some other things
- Polls (requires mod permissions)
- Regular updates
- And uh.. More!
By using this bot you agree to the tiny little TOS (and so does everyone in your server).