Olá sou um bot de musica feito por {EJ} Expe#7758 meus comandos são simples !!help para ver oque vc precisa saber.
Flow commands:
!!about - shows info about the bot !!ping - checks the bot's latency !!settings - shows the bots settings
!!nowplaying - shows the song that is currently playing !!play <title|URL|subcommand> - plays the provided song !!playlists - shows the available playlists !!queue [pagenum] - shows the current queue !!remove <position|ALL> - removes a song from the queue !!search - searches Youtube for a provided query !!scsearch - searches Soundcloud for a provided query !!shuffle - shuffles songs you have added !!skip - votes to skip the current song
!!forceskip - skips the current song !!pause - pauses the current song !!repeat [on|off] - re-adds music to the queue when finished !!skipto - skips to the specified song !!stop - stops the current song and clears the queue !!volume [0-150] - sets or shows volume
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