Multi-function and very easy-to-use bot available in English and in French. Moderation | Reaction role | Server Management | Infos | Fun
Here is the list of its commands:
&help [command*]:
To get a list of all the bot commands&botInfo:
All information on &Stunning&servInfo:
All information on a server.&userInfo [user*]:
All information on a user.&setUserLanguage [en or fr]:
To set the language of &Stunning when it speaks to you&setPostIt [text] / postIt:
To save a text you want to retrieve later&bug [bug/error]:
To prevent the bot owner a problem or an error in connection with the bot&suggestion [message]:
To transmit to the bot owner a suggestion&kick [member] [reason*]:
To kick a member from a server&ban [member] [reason*] / unban [member id] [reason*]:
To ban/unban a member from a server&mute [member] [time in hour*] [reason*] / unmute [member] [reason*]:
To mute/unmute a member (a muted member can't send messages or speak in a voice channel)&clear [number of messages to delete*]:
To delete a certain number of messages in a channel&warn [member] [reason*]/ unwarn [member] [reason*]:
To warn a member, after a certain number of warn he will be banned (definable with setWarn
, by default 3).&checkWarn:
To see which members have received warns and how many&setGuildLanguage [fr or en]:
To change the server language used by the bot&setPrefix [new prefix]:
To change the bot prefix in this server&blockCommand [command name] / unblockCommand [command name]:
To block/unblock a command of this bot in a server&survey [question/message]:
To make surveys&setWarn [number]:
To define the number of warnings a member must receive to be banned&setChannel [join/leave/logs] [here/stop]:
To activate one of the following channels:
&setChannel logs here
)&setChannel logs stop
To create a reaction-role message.&createRole [hoist*] [name]:
To create a role. (at the paramater hoist you must put nothing or true or false))&deleteRole [@role / role name] / unblockCommand [command name]:
To delete a role&addRole [@role] [@member]:
To add a role to a member&removeRole [@role] [@member]:
To remove a role to a member&gmn:
He thinks about a number and you must try to find it&morpion [@secondPlayer*]:
To play tic-tac-toe (if you mention nobody, you will play against the bot)&randomSentence:
Send a totally random sentence&hangman:
To play the hangman game&weirdWord [multi*]:
He mixes a word and you have to find the original word in a limited time. To play together, do weirdWord multi
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