UnoBot allows discord servers to play entire games of the popular cardgame, Uno, completely within text-channels. Challenge your friends and climb the leaderboard!
Invite UnoBotCommands
u!startgame |
Start a game of Uno. |
DescriptionStart a game of Uno. Play with those mentioned in the message. Players can play their cards in their auto-created uno channels. Usageu!startgame <list of @user mentions> (game settings) NoteYou must have at least 2 players to start a game, bots do not count. Tips
u!play |
Plays a card in an Uno game. |
DescriptionPlays a card in an Uno game. Usageu!play <color of card> <number of card | type of card> NoteYou must be in your uno-channel to play a card. Tips
u!draw |
Draw a card in an Uno game. |
DescriptionDraws a card from the deck in an Uno game. Usageu!draw NoteYou must be in your uno-channel to play a card. TipThe prefix is not required while in an uno-channel. Examples
u!cards |
Tells you the cards you have and the current card. |
DescriptionTells you the cards you have and the current card. Usageu!cards NoteYou must be in your uno-channel to view your cards. Example
u!say |
Sends a message to the other uno-channels. |
DescriptionSends a message to the other uno-channels. Usageu!say (@user mention) <your message> NoteYou must be in your uno-channel to use this command. TipYou can auto send your messages without a command using u!options autosay on Example
u!alert |
Alerts the player who is playing a card. |
DescriptionAlerts the player who is playing a card. Usageu!alert TipYou can disable receiving alerts with u!options allowalerts off Examples
u!endgame |
End a game of Uno. |
DescriptionEnds the ongoing Uno game. Usageu!endgame NoteOnly the game creator, admins, and whitelisted roles from the settings can use this. Examples
u!joingame |
Join an ongoing Uno game. |
DescriptionLets you join the ongoing Uno game. Usageu!joingame NoteYou can't join a game if you have been kicked from it. Examples
u!kick |
Kicks a player from an Uno game. |
DescriptionKicks a player from an Uno game. Usageu!kick <@user mention> NoteOnly the game creator, admins, and whitelisted roles from the command settings can use this. Examples
u!stats |
Gives you a user's stats only from this Discord server. |
DescriptionGives you a user's stats only from this Discord server. Usageu!stats <@user mention> TipYou can hide your stats with u!options hideStats enable. Examples
u!globalstats |
Gives you a user's global stats for Uno from all Discord servers. |
DescriptionGives you a user's global stats for Uno from all Discord servers. Usageu!globalstats <@user mention> Tips
u!leaderboard |
Gives you a leaderboard only from this Discord server. |
DescriptionGives you a leaderboard only from this Discord server. Usageu!leaderboard TipYou can use u!lb instead. Examples
u!globalleaderboard |
Gives you a global leaderboard from all Discord servers. |
DescriptionGives you a global leaderboard from all Discord servers. Usageu!globalleaderboard TipYou can use u!gleaderboard or u!glbinstead. Examples
u!options |
Adjusts how UnoBot works just for you. |
DescriptionAdjusts how UnoBot works just for you. Usageu!options <option name> [on|off|view] NoteYour options do not change between discord servers. TipUse u!options list to get a list of options. Examples
u!settings prefix |
Changes the bot's prefix for the server. |
DescriptionChanges the bot's prefix for the server. Usageu!settings prefix <new prefix> [on|off|view] NoteWhen prompted, you will have to confirm the new prefix by typing "CONFIRM" in all caps. Examples
u!settings commands |
Changes the settings for each command. |
DescriptionChanges the settings for each command. Toggle CommandTurns a specific command on or off. u!settings commands <command name> [set|view] <time in seconds> Set CooldownSets a cooldown for using a specific command. u!settings commands <command name> [on|off] Whitelist or BlacklistWhitelist or blacklist certain roles or users from using a command. Also toggles between whitelist or blacklist modes. u!settings commands <command name> [whitelist|blacklist] [add|remove|enable|disable|view] <user|role> View Command InfoGives you info on a specific command's settings. u!settings commands <command name> view |
u!settings dgs |
Changes the default game settings. |
DescriptionChanges the default game settings, which are applied to every game that does not have custom game settings. Add & Remove Default Game SettingsAdd game settings that are automatically applied to a game. u!settings dgs [add|remove] <game setting> View Default Game SettingsView the default game settings. u!settings dgs view (game setting) |
u!settings reset |
Resets all custom prefixes, command settings, and server stats. |
DescriptionResets all custom prefixes, command settings, and server stats. Usageu!reset NotePlease be aware: settings including custom prefixes, command settings, server stats, and ongoing games will be lost. Examplesu!reset |