A multi-purpose Discord.js / Discord.js-Commando bot
Command | Usage | Description |
flip | oopflip | Flips a coin, landing on Heads or Tails |
roll | ooproll [value] | Rolls a six sided die or value |
8ball | ooproll [Quastion] | Ask the Magic 8ball a question and get the wisdom you need |
lenny | ooplenny | sends a lenny face in chat |
tableflip | ooptableflip | flips a table |
unflip | oopunflip | unflips the table |
Command | Usage | Description |
Balance | oopbal | Shows the authors balance |
Daily | oopdaily | Gives the author they're daily pay |
Command | Usage | Description |
Cat | oopcat | Posts a picture of a random cat |
Dog | oopdog | Posts a picture of a random dog |
Neko | oopneko | Posts a picture of a random neko |
Gif Search | oopgifsearch [args] | Posts a gif that the user searches for |
Dog Gif | oopgifdog | Posts a gif of a dog |
Cat Gif | oopgifcat | Posts a gif of a cat |
Neko Gif | oopgifneko | Posts a gif of a neko |
Command | Usage | Description |
blush | oopblush [@user] | Blushes at a User |
boop | oopboop [@user] | Boops a User |
cuddle | oopcuddle [@user] | Cuddles a User |
hug | oophug [@user] | Hugs a User |
kiss | oopkiss [@user] | Kisses a User |
qt | oopqt [@user] | Tells a member they are cute |
cry | oopcry [@user] | Crys at a user |
Command | Usage | Description |
updates | oopinfo updates | Shows the most recent update log |
team | oopinfo team | Shows the developers of Little-Oop |
help | oopinfo help | shows the help command |
Command | Usage | Description |
Setup | oopsetup | Sets Up the Expermental Join-Leave Logs |
Kick | oopkick [@user] | Kick's a given user |
Ban | oopban [@user] | Ban's a given user |
Create Channel | oopcreatechannel [channel name] | Creates a given channel |
Command | Usage | Description |
Play | ooplay [args/url] | Searches and plays a term the user puts or plays the url the user puts |
Stop | oopstop | Stops the music |
Skip | oopskip | Skips the current song in the queue |
Resume | oopresume | Resumes the music from where it was paused at |
Queue | oopqueue | Shows the current music queue |
Pause | ooppause | Pauses the Music |
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