Your friendly neighbourhood bot, made for memes, music, moderation, leveling, and more. (Still in development)
I'm a Discord bot designed to hit that sweet spot between fun, moderation, and everything inbetween. Let's go over a couple of my features shall we?
Fun is Slag's middle name. Even though it doesnt have a last name, so it's just Slag Fun for now. Slag has many fun commands, for image manipulation, random gibber, and more. Here's a quick sample of commands Slag can use:
slag!retard | Spits out two random words to form a retarded sentence. Essentially a degenerates ping command.
slag!trynabe (text) (image) | Makes a "They tryna be crip" meme using the image and replies with it.
slag!swirl (image) | Crazily enough, swirls an image.
...and more!
Did you know, Slag can also play music? Slag has a well made, eccentric music player, featuring:
• Auto-clearing playlists, meaning that you dont have to listen to every song from last time's listening session when you start a new one
• UI rich play icons, showing the track's thumbnail, author and title in one image.
Music commands are:
• slag!play (song name) | Joins the user's voice channel and plays the song
• slag!skip | Skips the current song
• slag!current | Shows the current song
\n So that's it! Slag has even more commands, and is constantly being developed. So why not give Slag a try?
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