A bot that have a lot of funny commands, information commands, and help commands. with this bot you can play with
. !support ,'Sends a link to the bot support server !h, 'If your in a trouble , use this command to call someone in the staff .!userinfo, 'If you write the message alone you will see your user stats and if you tag someone after it you can see is stats !membercount, 'Sends a messge of how many pepoles there is in the server !ping, 'You can see the ping of the server !serverinfo, 'Let you see information about the server !serveravatar, 'Let you see the image of the server bigger !avatar, 'Let you see the image of your profile, you can tag someone after typing the command and you will see his image !father, 'Let you see My Father !time, 'Sends a message of the exact time, seconds , minutes , hours... !fibo , 'Makes you write a place of a number in the Fibonacci Sequence !corona, 'Let you see the stats about the CoronaVirus (Its right to 9/2/20) '!premium', 'Sends you a link to the bot premium site, with premiun you can switch the bot name, image, add a lot more functions and a lot of stuff, you need to send a prove to Itay Beladev#1405 that you realy bought the premium and he will talk with you about everyting
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