Hot Dog Bot is an extra set of hands for your moderators, and even has some cool features for your community as well!
Hot Dog Bot
Hot Dog Bot
Hot Dog Bot is a beast at server moderation, and some other things too!
hdfilter -> Profanity filter setting (1=Filter ON | 0=Filter OFF) [DEFAULT=1] {Users with the MANAGE MESSAGES permission are immune}
hdfilter off -> Turn profanity filter off [User needs MANAGE MESSAGES permission]
hdfilter on -> Turn profanity filter on [User needs MANAGE MESSAGES permission]
hdkick @user reason -> Kicks a user [User needs KICK permission]
hdban @user reason -> Bans a user [User needs BAN permission]
hdwarn @user reason -> Warns a user [User needs MANAGE MESSAGES permission]
Hot Dog Points and Roles (NEW!)
hdp -> Shows the amount of Hot Dog Points you collected in the server you are in
hdp @user -> Shows the amount of Hot Dog Points @user has collected in the server you are in
hdp leaderboard -> Shows the Top 3 users with the most Hot Dog Points in your server
Make sure Hot Dog Bot's role is ABOVE hdplvl1, hdplvl2, hdplvl3, and hdplvl4
hdplvl1 -> Changes the name of the first level's role
hdplvl2 -> Changes the name of the second level's role
hdplvl3 -> Changes the name of the third level's role
hdplvl4 -> Changes the name of the fourth level's role
hdp off -> Turns off server participation in HDP (members will not be able to gain HDP in your server) [Default]
hdp on -> Turns on server participation in HDP (members will be able to gain HDP in your server)
hdrock -> Rock, Paper, Scissors (Rock)
hdpaper -> Rock, Paper, Scissors (Paper)
hdscissors -> Rock, Paper, Scissors (Scissors)
hdwins -> Total player wins in RPS
hdtimes -> Total times played in RPS
hdcoin -> Coinflip
hdheads -> Times played heads
hdtails -> Times played tails
hdhelp -> Commands
hdphelp -> HDP Commands
hdfeedback [message] -> Give us feedback to improve Hot Dog Bot
hdcovid -> Covid-19 confirmed cases, recoveries, deaths
Hot Dog Bot's Goals
50 servers (7/30/2020)
75 servers (10/10/2020)
100 servers (10/29/2020)
150 servers
200 servers
250 servers
Thanks for using Hot Dog Bot!