A Discord bot for moderation, administration, economy,music but also fun, and useful!
The bot features are :
✉️ Support commands 😋 Support for translations ( we are still looking for translators! ) ⚙️ Guild configuration (prefix, welcome, fortnite-shop, etc...)
A lot of commands! Mika has a lot of features. Here are some of them.
🚓 Moderation: see-warns, setlogs, checkinvites, poll, kick, ban, etc..! 🎵 Music: play, skip, queue, skip, np ( Now-Playing ), etc..! 💰 Economy: profile, work, badge, slots, balance, leaderboard, etc..! 👻 Fun: lmg, findwords, flip, lovecalc, random, wasted, etc..! 🖨️ General: minimize, setafk, translate, remindme, hastebin, fortnite, minecraft, fortniteshop, etc..!
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