A full, complete list of current commands.
Lionmat also has a xp level system & currency system.
Currently this bot has 40 public commands and 4 categories, folllowing:
🧹+clear |
Delete the (args) last messages, format: +clear 10
❌+kick |
Kick the user from the server, format: +kick @lmeanIoI#8247
🔨+Ban |
Ban the user from the server, format: +ban @lmeanIoI#8247
🤔+help |
Shows the help page, format: +help
➕+prefix |
Sets the server prefix, default +
❔+sv/serverinfo |
Shows the information about a server.
❓+ whois |
Shows informations, inclunding levels, about an user, format: +whois (args) or +whois
❔+sv |
Shows informations about the server, format: +sv
➕ +prefix |
Sets the server prefix, default +, format: +prefix (new prefix)
⚠+warn |
Warns someone, format: +warn (args)
⚠+warnings |
Display the warns from someone or from you, format: +warnings (args) or +warnings
⚠ +clearwarnings |
Clears the warnings from someone, format: +clearwarnings (args)
🗑+snipe |
Displays the last deleted message, format: +snipe
✉+setlogs |
Sets the commands logs channel, format: +setlogs (channel)
👋 +setwelcome |
Sets the welcome channel, foramt: +setwelcome (channel)
🔪+kill |
Kill your enemies >:), format: +kill (args)
🔢+random |
Generates a random number of (args1) to (args2), format: +random
💦+mention |
Pings someone, format: +ping (args)
🧡+ship |
Shows the chance of a couple, format: +ship (args) (args2)
🧑+avatar |
Makes the bot show someone's profile picture +avatar
Ⓜ+ms |
Shows your ms, format +ms
🏳🌈+gayrate |
Displays the gayrate of someone, format +gayrate (args)
1️⃣2️⃣+vote |
Creates a vote beetween emojis +vote \(emoji\) \(emoji\)
🔼+level |
Displays the level from someone +level (user)
🌂+weather |
Shows the weather of somewhere, format: +weather (city)
⚔+role |
Shows a random role, format: +role
🤺+RPG |
Shows the general rpg information, format: +RPG
⚔+rpgroles |
Shows all the assignable roles, format : +rpgroles
+🎲dice |
Generates a number from 1 to 21, format: +dice
💸+bal |
Shows your balance, format: +bal (args) or +bal
👩🏭+work |
Work. format: +Work
🎒 +inventory |
Displays your inventory, format : +inventory
🛒+Buy | Buy something, format: +buy (item)
💰+With |
Withdraw something, format: +with (amount)
Deposit something, format: +dep (amount)
🕕 weekly |
Receive your weekly amount of money, format+weekly
🕕 +daily |
Receive your daily amount of money, format: +daily
🙏 +beg |
Beg for money, format: +beg
🕵️♀️ +steal
| Steal money, format: +steal (mention)