RPG with shop, classes, dungeons, items, PvP, races, gambling, marriage, music, raids, guilds and much more! 10+ languages available!
577 reviews
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11 months ago
It does not requires too much of your time. Still there are things to do. It is addictive. The end-game is (literally) a little grindy. So you never get behind. This was my first Discord game bot and I love it! Even after meeting so many other game bots. Give it a try and if you are not satisfied you can quickly kick it out of your server.
about 4 years ago
The Bot is Fun to Play with and There are Endless Commands to Play with, But I Would Like to Critisice the Bot a Bit. The Reponses to the "$Help" Commands is too Long and is Difficult for Begginers to Grasp. As for the Bot itself, it Requires too many People to Play, Which is a Problem for Me and Other People with Small Friend Groups and Lastly, The Cooldown for Adventure is too Time-Consuming: A ...
about 4 years ago
The Bot is Fun to Play with and There are Endless Commands to Play with, But I Would Like to Critisice the Bot a Bit. The Reponses to the "$Help" Commands is too Long and is Difficult for Begginers to Grasp. As for the Bot itself, it Requires too many People to Play, Which is a Problem for Me and Other People with Small Friend Groups and Lastly, The Cooldown for Adventure is too Time-Consuming: A ...
over 1 year ago
hi! so...i was looking for a bot that gives u adventure, quests & all those stuffs, and this bot is exactly what i wanted. But.....the problem is, i can't seem to create my character, no matter how much i try, i even used the commands, referred the tutorial $create <character name> @IdleRPG. It just isn't creating my character. pls guide me if i am doing anything wrong
over 1 year ago
It's works great sometimes but recently every week or so it will say I already voted and yet won't give me the crates. It also won't report it when I @IdleRPG tasks. It won't list the time left until I can vote again. I don't like repetitive glitches.
almost 4 years ago
The bot is not that bad but he seems to be homophobic ;-; He said he thinks its disgusting if a girl dates a girl. And he kinda wanted to do ... things when someone $talked with him.I mean, he's not that bad but it would be really nicer if he wouldn't be homophobic lol (edited)
about 4 years ago
The bot itself is amazingly good, but I have a few suggestions for the creator, 1-adding boss spawns depending on the server activity 2-being able to find materials and use them to create weapons
$ (customizable) or mention
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