almost 2 years ago
This bot is amazing! helping communities merge together for the benefit of the members, you're able to jump in and enjoy games seamlessly!
Share your games, twitter spaces and giveaways to over 100 servers. Onboard members and get a feed to games and events from other servers.
Phera Mone is the ultimate events announcement bot, enabling your event interactions to be maximized.
You have the ability to send out an alert to every other server about your games like Rumble or RaceCord and also receive a feed from the other servers. You can also choose to add role reactions to be only be alerted of opportunities youre actualy interested in.
Basic Commands: /help - Basic help information. /preferences - You servers info like channels set and premium status. /quicksetupall - Let the bot setup the channels needed so you don't have to. /setinvite - Creates the Discord Invite the bot will use in the event alerts. /summon - The command for creating an event. /testsummon - Creates and sends a test announcement to your set channel to make sure you can receive them properly. /spaces - announce your twitter spaces (premium only) /giveaways - announce your giveaways
10 reviews
Reviews can be left only by registered users. All reviews are moderated by moderators. Please make sure to check our guidelines before posting.
5 stars
4 stars
3 stars
2 stars
1 star
almost 2 years ago
This bot is amazing! helping communities merge together for the benefit of the members, you're able to jump in and enjoy games seamlessly!
almost 2 years ago
This bot has provided me so much value. From free rumbles for nfts to poker games and marbles. Everything I get notified I feel like I have a chance to win something and it hasn't cost me 1 cent to play. Wish this bot was in every server so it was this easy for everyone. Don't know of any other bot that has given me even close to the same value as Phera Mone. More servers joining by the day j ...
almost 2 years ago
Definitely a lot of wins from using this bot. Not only am I getting notified when a game is about to be played, but it helps me find new communities because I jump in to play the game and then look around at what else is going on. I've won prizes from playing the games, but I've also found new, awesome communities that I'm still a part of thanks to this bot!
almost 2 years ago
hey! I'm the co founder of NOSS, if you like our bot give a vote and 5 star review!! if you dont like NOSS hmu in discord we can have coffee or tea and talk about it!
almost 2 years ago
So we first got phera mone back in January and so far this bot has brought over 300+ members to us. That’s over half our server right now. It’s been key to our growth! I highly recommend any project looking to grow to install this bot.
almost 2 years ago
This bot is going to change how web3 automated gaming is done in discord. LFG Noss!!!
almost 2 years ago
Best bot ever for onboarding new members! Sending announcements out to every server with Phera Mone installed is a fantastic way to increase engagement and grow your community! Highly recommend!! <3
almost 2 years ago
This is what utility is all about Phera has given me the chances to win so much from rumble to poker and more Phera is value Phera is utility
over 1 year ago
Since we installed this bot in the 24 Carrot Bunny server we have seen exponential growth in our # of community members and game participation! As well as connecting our members with other like-minded projects. I highly recommend installing and using the Pheremone bot to its fullest potential. Extremely easy to install and very user friendly! Phil and the NOSS project are constantly developin ...
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