A bot that pulls the top 100 /r/sbubby memes from reddit and allows users to display a random meme
This bot takes the top 100 memes from /r/sbubby and allows users to call "!sbubby" in chat.
Sbubby's are altered images of logos within reason. Sbubby came from the intentional misspelling of "Subway" and many more of these edited logos can be found under the Sbubby subreddit.
On our end, Sbubby Bot is running on a Raspberry Pi and ensures that it is always running for the Sbubby Memes. -Sbubby Uses both python and nodejs to acquire the top 100 memes of all time on reddit everyday, saves the URL's to a dump file, and the node script pulls that file and gets a random URL from the list. -This list will be updated once every day.
The code is open to modification! Look for Sbubby Bot in my github. https://github.com/shokace/
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