about 4 years ago
I really like how it looks, but it's not giving me the option to even install it into my server since it's saying it's not verified. Sucks for me, I guess.
A fun bot that allows you to translate, check definition, snipes text, lets you use animated emojis which is a private feature
A fun bot that allows you to translate words/sentences/paragraphs from 140+ language to any other language. Has commands to check definition of words that are in another language, shows thier uses in english language as well. Has a fun word game in which you can practice your skills of another language by guessing the translation of the forien language word in english (and keep on improving ofc) The rest is for upto you to discover.
#Has certain private features such as deleted/edited text sniping as well as using global emojis as well as animated emojis by impersonating as you (If you want access you can DM me or Ask in Support Server)
j3!translate <to-translate>[#<from-lang-code>#<to-lang-code>]
Translates your queries from any language to any other language along with auto language detect. Just like follows
j3!definition <your-word>[#<optional-lang-code-in which word is>]
Provides you with a definition of the word you entered even if its in a forieng language.
j3!word_game <lang-code-to-play-in>
Starts a word game in the provided language where you will be provided with a word and you have to select its translation in English. You can also use it to show off all those skills of yours in that language
j3!lang_codes [<Language-name>]
Shows you a list of languages and thier language codes or if name is provided searches the given language among the list and displays its code
Will show you help page
Will send you an invite for the bot and also to its support server
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about 4 years ago
I really like how it looks, but it's not giving me the option to even install it into my server since it's saying it's not verified. Sucks for me, I guess.
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