A multipurpose bot with things that will make your server complete such as Music, Leaderboards, Moderation, Fun, Economy, Giveaways & more!
Prefix : k?
This bot is at the moment under develpment, its part of a personnal project i'm doing starting doing discord bots. To see a help command, just write k?help.
At the moment this bot only has this listed commands, the rest are under developing. Command examples:
8ball (question) ---> Gives a random answer to your question
rolldice ---> Rolls a dice up to 6
newest ---> Gets the newest member on this server
oldest ---> Gets the oldest member on this server
memberinfo @tag ---> Shows info as ID, roles, status, etc. of the mentioned user
imdb (serie/movie) ---> Gives info about the serie/movie specified if it is in database
weather (location) ---> Shows the weather on the specified location
ping ---> Gives server and API ms plus a secret answer
dev ---> Gives developers' discord
avatar @tag ---> Gets a user's avatar(Info)(k!mi @tag better)
invite ---> Gives you server invite link
server ---> Gives the server's info
slowmo (seconds) ---> Enables slow mode chat in that channel for specified time
say (what to say) ---> Make the bot say anything
report @tag (channelmention) (Reason)
kick @tag ---> Kicks an user from the server
ban @tag ---> Ban an user from the server
cooldown (Seconds time) ---> It wont accept any commands in the channel it's wrote in specified amount of time
role add/give/take/remove @tag @tagrole ---> Role management command
covid (country) ---> Gives info about covid virus stats on the given place
poll #channel (poll) ---> Creates a yes/no poll reaction on the message that the command creates
setnickname @tag (newnickname) ---> Changes an user nickname
meme ---> Gives a random meme
cat ---> Gives image and fact of a cat
riddle ---> Gives a random riddle
---------------------And MUCH More! Try me!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Server: kWAY TV // https://discord.g/yqhbGbR
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