Shortwave is a music bot with support for youtube and can play a short selection of radio stations.
Stats Commands:
Ping: Checks bots latency.
Stats: Stats about the bot.
Covid: Covid-19 Stats
Radioadd: Adds a radio of your choice.
Radionp: Now playing of radio stations.
Captcha: Captcha test.
Translate: Translates text to english.
Music Commands:
Play: Plays music from youtube.
Skip: Skips the current song playing.
Pause: Pauses/Resumes music.
Resume: Resumes/Pauses music.
Stop: Makes the bot leave.
Volume: Changes volume.
Radio: Makes the bot play radio stations.
Owner Commands:
Reload: Reloads the cog(s).
Restart: Restarts the bot.
Eval: Evaluates code.
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