Rem, a bot with Music, Fun and Multi-Purpose functions.
Rem, the bot that ascended in less than a week, with Music, Fun Commands, Neko , Doge and Gifs.
New command that allow users to actually chat with Rem using the command _msg (message)
_clear Command can just be used by the Server Owner! (I'll fix the command so Moderators can use it too...)
HELP COMMANDS _hug Info: Hug someone Usage: _hug @ _kill Info: Kill someone Usage: _kill @ _kiss Info: Kiss someone Usage: _kiss @ _pat Info: Pat someone Usage: _pat @ _slap Info: Slap someone Usage: _slap @ _clear Info: Clears the chat (Needs to be Admin and the bot needs to be Admin) Usage: _clear _ball8 Info: Responds to your question Usage: _ball8 Is this crazy? _coinflip Info: Flips a coin Usage: _coinflip _neko Info: Sends a random neko image Usage: _neko _nekolewd Info: Sends a random neko lewd image Usage: _nekolewd _upvote Info: Sends a website to upvote the bot Usage: _upvote _play Info: Plays a URL or Song Name Usage: _play shootings stars _stop Info: Stops the music playing Usage: _stop _skip Info: Skips a song with 3 skip votes Usage: _skip _play Info: Plays a URL or Song Name Usage: _play shootings stars _pause Info: Pauses the song that is currently playing Usage: _pause _resume Info: Resumes the paused song Usage: _resume _user Info: Fetches info about a specified user Usage: _user @ _movie Info: Shows information about a specified movie Usage: _movie Matrix _define Info: Shows the definition of a specified word Usage: _define owl _usdq Info: Shows the dollar quoatation Usage: _usdq _info Info: Shows information about Rem Usage: _info
_calc Info: Adds, subtracts, divides or multiply two given numbers Usage: _calc <+,-,*,/> _factor Info: Factorize a given whole number Usage: _factor
_ban Info: Bans a specified user Usage: _ban @ _kick Info: Kicks a specified user Usage: _kick @
_yoda Info: Talk like yoda! Usage: _yoda i am your father _msg Info: Talk to Rem! Usage: _msg , Example: _msg Hey! _battle Info: Challenges Rem for a battle! (Soon you will have the possibility to challenge players)
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