OtterBot is a Java discord bot, using JDA.
- Music
- play {url}: Plays a specific video.
- play {text}: Searches for a video with the given query.
- play {1-5}: Plays a specific song from song selection.
- volume {num}: Sets the volume of the player. Will Reset after every song.
- playing: Shows the current song.
- skip: Skips the current song.
- stop: Stops all playback and clears the queue.
- queue: Shows the top 5 songs in the queue.
- remove {1-5}: Removes the nth song from the queue.
- playing: Shows the current song playing.
- earrape: Turns on earrape for the current song.
- Path of Exile
- deal(chaos) - Returns all possible deals within price range.
- deal(item name) - Provides specific information about a deal.
- price(item name) - Returns the price of a specific item.