Responds to all mentions of "todd" and "skyrim" with toddmojis, among many other things
Responds to every mention of "todd" and "skyrim" (and a few other keywords) with a random todd howard emoji (toddmoji).
He can do tons of other stuff, too, like answer questions, say fuck, tell you sweet little lies, and sing country roads with you. There's also many SUPER SECRET unlisted commands and keywords for you to discover.
Requires emojis from other servers to be enabled.
See all his commands by asking him "toddbot what do you do" or just "toddbot help." All his commands start with "toddbot."
This bot receives incoming message text to check for keywords so it can function. No data is stored. You can prevent him from receiving messages using channel/role permissions.
His commands include, as of 12/11/18:
toddbot help
toddbot how valid/cursed/crunchy/gucci/funky is/are (x)
toddbot crunchscale (x)
toddbot rate (x)
toddbot dndalign (x)
toddbot does x fuck
toddbot who would win (x) or (y)
toddbot smash or pass (x)
toddbot hot or not (x)
toddbot bug or feature (x)
toddbot fmk (x), (y), (z) (fuck, marry, kill)
toddbot what day is it
toddbot tell me lies
toddbot sing your song
toddbot dab
toddbot pay respects
toddbot say fuck
toddbot say gay/trans rights
toddbot (this is so sad) play despacito
toddbot play country roads
toddbot falloutradio
toddbot falloutradio (station) (the stations are Galaxy News, Mojave Music, Radio New Vegas, Diamond City Radio, Classical, Nuka World, Mysterious Broadcast)
toddbot say hi/hello to (x)
toddbot welcome (x)
toddbot it's (x)'s birthday
toddbot send pride, toddbot send (#) pride, toddbot send (user) pride, toddbot send (user) (#) pride
toddbot send dagoth ur fanfiction
toddbot send yagrum bagarn amv
toddbot send skyrim shuffle
toddbot send jauffre jam
toddbot how many toddcoins do I have
toddbot how many skyrims do I have
toddbot can I vote for you
toddbot link me the support server
toddbot give me your invite
toddbot how old are you
toddbot who made you
He can also answer questions starting with "toddbot (question word)," and he can sing Country Roads with you. He also has many, many SUPER SECRET unlisted commands and keywords for you to discover.
33 reviews
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5 stars
4 stars
3 stars
2 stars
1 star
over 3 years ago
nothing like being whispered in the ear and told sweet little lies by Todd Howard.
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