Adabot might be considered as a cute chatbot, for those of us who are momentarily bored or just want to simulate talking to something cute.
|||| C H A N G E L O G ||||
V0.001 - Initial creation
V0.0011 - Added #botInfo command to display various information about the bot
Adabot now responds to his name being said at the start of a message
Adabot now replies to questions asked from him "... adabot?"
V0.0012 - Instead of using .name everywhere in conversation stuff, .mention is used now
The question feature now sometimes mentions a random user
Adabot is now able to answer who created him
Adabot can be asked "who" questions now which will pinpoint to a random user
V0.0013 Maths addition, substraction, multiplication and division added
V0.0014 "This is so sad, Adabot play despacito"
You can ask Adabot for his version now
V0.0015 #userInfo, and "who am I?"
"Who are you" response added
Reacting to insults now
#help stuff added
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