Yuki Yoshida- A multi-purpose bot with nearly 200 commands, Autorole, Music, Anime, Memes, Moderation and much more
Yuki Yoshida
A multi functional discord bot with nearly 200 commands and bi-weekly updates. Audio, memes, moderation, logs, games, reddit and so much more
- !blush [tag]
- !cuddle [tag]
- !hold [tag]
- !hug [tag]
- !kiss [tag]
- !nom [tag]
- !pat [tag]
- !poke [tag]
- !punch [tag]
- !slap [tag]
- !wave [tag]
- !dub
- Get a random anime that's dubbed
- !getanime
- Gets links from gogoanime
- !sauce
- Try to find the source for an image
- !sub
- Get a random anime that's subbed
- !clear
- !download [song or link]
- Download a song from Youtube (No playlist)
- !jpop
- !kpop
- !loop
- Loops the current song forever
- !pause
- !play [song or link]
- Plays or queues a song or playlist
- !playnow
- Skips everything in the queue and stops current song
- !queue
- !remove [number]
- Removes a song from the queue
- !repeat
- Adds the current song to the top of the queue
- !resume
- Resumes the song if paused
- !seek [seconds]
- Seek forward/backwards into the track
- !shuffle
- !skip [Votes required if 3 or more people in vc]
- Skips the current song and goes to the next
- !song
- Shows the current song and brings up the control panel
- !stop
- Stops, disconnects, and clears the queue
- !volume
- Changes the volume of the bot
- !bug [text]
- Submit a bug report (If abused, you will be blacklisted from the bot)
- !changelog
- Get a pastebin link for my most recent changelogs
- !dmpurge
- Purges all of the messages sent by me in your DMs
- !members
- See how many members I am serving
- !invite
- Send the invite link so I can join other servers
- !ping
- !suggest [text]
- Suggest an idea for the bot (If abused, you will be blacklisted from the bot)
- !up
- See how long the bot has been up
- !acsii [text]
- Sends ascii text of whatever you input
- !billboard [text]
- Put something on a billboard
- !changemymind [text]
- Add text to the 'Change my mind' meme
- !choose ["option 1" "option 2"]
- I will choose from multiple choices
- !clippy [text]
- Make clippy say something
- !coin
- !define [word]
- Define a work (Urbandictionary)
- !dinner
- Find something to eat + recipes
- !dinnerveg
- Find something to eat + recpies (Vegitarian)
- !elon [text]
- What is Elon showing us today
- !fact
- !g [text]
- !gif [Gif to search for]
- Sends a gif that you search for
- !i [text]
- Search Google for an image
- !kirby [text]
- Kirby teaches us something today
- !lang
- Shows all supported languages
- !lmgtfy [text]
- Sends a "Let me Google That For You" link
- !linus [text]
- Gib us the new discord tech
- !lisa [text]
- Lisa speaks to the masses
- !magik [tag]
- !math [numbers]
- !pewds [text]
- !phcomment [text]
- !poll ["Title name" "Option 1" "Option 2" "Option 3" (26 max options)]
- Creates a poll so users can vote
- !rate
- !remind [Text [time]]
- Sends you a DM. !remindhelp for help with remind
- !reverse [text]
- Takes whatever you say and reverses the words
- !roast [tag]
- !say [text]
- Make the bot say something
- !spongebob [text]
- !t [text to translate [language to translate in]]
- Translates you message and sends it back
- !t Hola dora como estas en
- !timer
- Sets a timer (Max is 5 minutes)
- !trump [text]
- What did trump sign into law
- !why
- Makes the bot ask questions
- !wiki [text]
- Searches wikipedia for an article
- !yeet
- !ytcomment
- !8ball [question]
- Ask the magic 8ball anything
- !c4
- Starts a game of Connect 4
- !dice [number of dice, how many sides]
- Role some dice
- !dice 2 6 (For 2 six sided dice)
- !guess
- Guess a number that I'm thinking of
- !hangman
- !hangstop to stop the game
- !hm [letter or word] to guess
- !never
- !neverbomb
- Never have i ever times 10
- !rr (Russian Roulette)
- If you lose, you get kicked from the server
- !rps
- Play Rock, Paper, Scissors with the bot
- !slots
- Slot machines (not rigged)
- !autorole
- Super easy autorole for new members
- !disable [Command or category]
- Disable a command or category so it cannot be used in the server
- !listdisabled
- Lists all the disabled commands
- !enable [Command or category]
- Disable a command or category so it can be used in the server
- !enableall
- Enables all the disabled commands, if any
- !ban [tag]
- Bans a user (Doesn't delete their messages)
- !massban [tag tag tag tag]
- Mass ban a bunch of nerds
- !kick [tag]
- !lockchan
- Locks the channel of the server, so only admins and owner can type
- !unlockchan
- !lockserv
- Locks every channel in the server so only admins and owner can type
- !unlockserv
- !setup
- Sets up logging, only admins and owner can see
- !mute [tag]
- Mutes a person so they can't talk
- !unmute [tag]
- Unmutes a person so they can talk
- !newusers
- Shows 25 of the newest users
- !purge [subcommand]
- !purge all
- !purge files
- !purge user [tag]
- !purge text
- !purge limit [messages to delete]
- !removerole [tag] [role]
- !role [tag] [role]
- !4chan
- !abandoned
- Sends you an image of an abandoned place
- !dankmeme
- Sends the dankest of memes
- !darkjoke
- Sends a dark joke, not for the easily offended
- !dirtyjoke
- !dog
- !earth
- Sends pretty pictures of earth
- !evr
- !food
- Sends pretty pictures of food
- !greentext
- Sends greentext from 4chan
- !joke
- !nosleep
- !space
- Send you pretty pictures from space
- !starterpack
- !thinkdeep
- !tifu
- !wallpaper
- !server
- !serverpfp
- Shows the servers profile picture
- !emojis
- Send all the emojis in the server
- !avatar [tag]
- !nickname [name]
- !user [tag]