Multi purpose discord bot with webinterface, music, administration, tools, games and more.
Multi purpose discord bot with webinterface, music, administration, tools, games and more!
Progen is a bot that can do almost anything. It supports you with moderation and administration of your Discord Server, you can listen to all kinds of music in a voice channel, play games with your friends and much more!
With the web interface Progen can be managed visually and very easily.
Best you get Progen yourself and have a look at the countless commands. Progen is continuously being expanded, improved and freed from bugs.
Invite Progen:
Invite ProgenMusic1:
Invite ProgenMusic2:
In this
wiki article you can find all commands including description and documentation.
Progen can take over your discord server moderation & administration.
You can warn,mute,ban and kick users.
All this can also be displayed in a clearly arranged modlog.
The Progenlog.
Listen to any kind of music with Progen in a voice channel.
We can proudly say that we have a clean and powerful sound.
Don't you believe us? Try it yourself.
With the additional offers ProgenMusic1 & 2 you can easily listen to music in three channels indipendently.
Web interface
With the web interface (pwi) you can easily control Progen and your discord server via browser.
All you need to do is to load the page
A clearly arranged graphic makes it easy to control it.
The PWI ist currently being rewritten to improve the service
Progen offers the #progenlog.
There all activities of a moderator or administrator are documented.
To use the #progenlog you just need to create a Textchannel named progenlog.
The log will be made mor comfortable in the future. A #voicelog is also planned.
Copyright © 2018-now Progen-Dev
Protected by GNU General Public License v3.0
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