Ronye™ is a bot that seeks to entertain and help users.
. Ronye ™ is a bot that seeks to help and entertain users. This bot contains moderation commands, administration, interaction, states, statistics and server profiles, minecraft and beta social networks.
. Commands: r!help, r!ping, r!invite, r!donate, r!sps, r!8ball, r!mcserver, r!esay, r!love, r!emojis, r!loli, r!neko, r!new, r!close, r!anime, r!jutsu r!kiss, r!caress, r!head, r!body, r!skin, r!instagram, r!angry r!eat, r!sad, r!ban, r!unban, r!kick, r!clear, r!addrol, r!removerol, r!say, r!mute, r!unmute, r!server , r!profile, r!stats, r!avatar.
. The commands are easy to use and if you try to run incorrectly the bot will automatically launch a message saying how to write the command.
. Remember that executing the command "r!help" you will have the list of all bot commands!
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