Mayoshi is the best bot to check fortnite stats listen to music use very cool gifs, and many others things
Translation in english/french/spanish is coming soon
Follow @mayoshi16 on twitter for more informations
Hi, I'm Mayoshi, your fun multipurpose friend bot
I will listens to some good music with you ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ :
- ::join to make mayoshi joins you in your epic journey
- ::play {a youtube url or the title of a music} adds a new epic music to the queue
- ::skip skips that bad music your friend turn on
- ::pause
- ::resume
- ::stop
- ::volume {an integer} change the volume
- ::leave goodbye mayoshi, see you next time
I love to look things on wikipedia :
- ::wiki {a cool subject} I will give you some brief infos about that amazing subject you want to learn about
Have you seen that gif with the cat that goes tudududu ?
- ::gif {probably cat but anything you want really}
ALRIGHT I play fortnite, that is what it is, but do you want to know how much wins do you have ?
- ::stat {the plateform you play on (pc/xb1/ps4)} {your ingame name} I will tell you about how you are not that good at the game, sorry for thaat!