This is a bot with moderation commands and a few dumb custom commands that only make sense in my servers :/
Its a moderation bot with all the normal needed moderation commands. It has a few dumb custom commands just for fun. It is not supposed to be used much i just want to put it here, because it makes me feel proud of my bot. Its moderation commands conclude of:%ban <@user> - Bans a member from the server. %kick <@user> - Kicks a user from the server. %mute <@user> - Mutes a user in the server. %unmute <@user> - Unmutes a user in the server. %invite - Generates the invite link for the bot. %say - Broadcasts a message in the channel. %addrole <@user> - Adds a role to a User. %removerole <@user> - Removes a role from a User %softban <@user> - Soft bans a user from the server. %ping - Gets the ping of the server and bot. %help - Displays all the commands of the server. %suggest - Logs a suggestion to the server. %status - Changes the status of the bot. %warn <@user> - Warns a user. %warnings <@user> - Displays all the past warnings of a user. %clearwarnings <@user> - Clears all the warnings of a user.
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