A simple to use bot, where you can add custom word lists, search for them etc. Very good to have for Skribbl.io events!
With this bot, you can get lists of different categories for custom word Skribble events.
You can add, search, remove lists.
Commands: s!newlist - Pretty easy to understand. Creates a new list for other people or yourself to copy. (No NSFW or 18+ shit. If rules are broken, you might be banned from using the bot.) s!alllists - Provides you with a list... of all lists. s!searchlist - Searches for a list. Easy to do. s!howtolist - Shows basic info on how to get lists into Skribble. s!removelist - Removes a list. Obviously, you can only remove your own lists.
I made this very simple bot for bigger or smaller servers who want specific categories for their skribbl.io events.
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