Aethor is the bestsuggestionsbot
Discord-suggestions created using aethor will have buttens attached to them allowing users to vote onsuggestions
view the configs of Aethor
*prefix <set>
view the prefix of Aethor
*prefix set [prefix]
set Aethor's prefix
*autopublish <channel>
Automatically publish messages
*avatar <member>
View the avatar of a user
*help <command>
Aethor Help Command
Invite Aethor to your server
Support server :)
*8ball <question>
Ask a question for the magic 8ball to answer
*crab [crab]
Ultimate crab
*iqtest <member>
Do a iqtest
*math <easy> <normal> <hard> <impossible>
Do some math
*math easy
easy math question
*math impossible
impossible math question
*math normal
normal math question
*blame [text]
Blame someone
*githubuser [user]
View some information about a github user
Ping the bot
*raw <text>
View the raw text of your message
Get some information about this server
Sends some general stats of the bot
*userinfo <member>
View the information about a user
*ban [user] <reason> <deletemessages>
Ban users from your server
*clearlogs [user]
clearlogs a user
*moderation <banmessage> <kickmessage> <mutemessage> <warnmessage> <modlogchannel> <publicmodlogchannel> <addmod>
modify moderation settings
*moderation banmessage <footer>
set the footer
*moderation kickmessage <footer>
set the footer
*moderation mutemessage <footer>
set the footer
*moderation warnmessage <footer>
set the footer
*moderation publicmodlogchannel <channel>
The channel infractions will be posted in to the public
*moderation modlogchannel <channel>
the channel modlogs will be posted in
*moderation addmod <user> <role>
allow a user or role to do all moderation actions
*modlogs [user]
modlogs a user
*mute [user] <reason> <time>
mute in your server
*reason [id] [reason]
Set the reason of a infraction
*role <user> <role>
Give a user a role
*slowmode [time]
Set the slowmode of a channel
*warn [user] <reason>
warn a user
*kick [user] <reason>
Kick users from your server
*suggestion <of> <deny> <edit> <view> <channel> <comment> <deniedchannel> <accept> <acomment> <chart> <top> <restore> <silentdelete> <acceptedchannel> <emojis> <suggest> <down> <suggestions> <startthreadbutton> <search>
Entry point for the suggestions commands
*suggestion accept <suggestion> <reason>
Accept a suggestions
*suggestion acceptedchannel <channel>
Set the accepted channel
*suggestion acomment <suggestion> <reason>
Comment on a suggestion without showing your identity
*suggestion chart
Displays the suggestions made per day
*suggestion comment <suggestion> <reason>
Comment on a suggestion
*suggestion deniedchannel <channel>
Set the denied channel
*suggestion deny [suggestion] <reason>
deny a suggestion
*suggestion down
Displays the most down voted suggestions in this guild
*suggestion edit <suggestion> <content>
Edit a suggestion
*suggestion emojis [emojis]
Set the emojis to be used in suggestions HAS TO BE CUSTOM ONES
*suggestion restore <suggestion>
Restore a suggestion
*suggestion search [query]
Search for a suggestion
*suggestion silentdelete <suggestion>
Delete a sugggestion silently
Adds a button to suggestions to start a thread
*suggestion suggestions [suggestions]
Displays the top suggestions in this guild
*suggestion topsuggestions
*suggestion view [suggestion]
view a suggestion
*suggestion blacklist [user]
*suggestion channel <channel>
Set the channel suggestions will be send in
*suggestion suggest [suggestion]
Suggest something
*suggestion of [user]
View the cool suggestions other users have made
*supportping <role>
Set a role to be pinged on every support thread
*threadsupport <thread>
Enable threadsupport to make support easier #stafflife
*yeetkid <member>
no please noooooooooooO!
*quote <link>
quote a message
Button reaction roles
*tag <all> <raw> <dtag> <view> <delete> <add>
Display a tag
*tag add <name> <content>
Add a tag
*tag delete <tag>
Delete a tag
*tag dtag <tag>
Show a tag but also delete your message
*tag raw <tag>
Shows a tag's raw data
*tag view <tag>
Shows a tag
*tag all
Displays the tags in this server
*temprole [user] [role] [time]
Give a user a role temporaily
no please noooooooooooO!
*report [user] [reason] [evidence]
Report a malicous user
List reported users
*feed <channel>
Sends a message in your server when someone has gotten reported