over 1 year ago
Mr Keprins is literally the most fun and best discord bot around town! I can't wait for v2 to come out, and I'm bumbling in my seat!
Mr Keprins is the all-in-one bot built for fun! Games, memes, points, events, xp, trivia, and much much more!
Mr Keprins has so many fun features! All commands are preceded with the "kp " prefix, but "mr " and "mk " also work. Here's a list of most of the commands:
kp news == search for a news headline from around the world kp img == get an image of anything! kp weather == get current weather (in Willetton) kp hangman == play hangman! kp trivia == get a trivia question to earn points! kp o&x == play noughts and crosses against Mr Keprins kp o&x <@user> == play noughts and crosses multiplayer and bet points! kp meme == get a random meme kp lb == display points leaderboard kp xp == see your xp (max 1xp per 30 seconds) kp xp lb == see the xp leaderboard kp covid == get daily covid summary kp events == see upcoming events and due dates kp next event == see next event/due date kp bitcoin == get bitcoin prices in AUD kp bitcoin == get bitcoin prices in any currency kp spam
1 review
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over 1 year ago
Mr Keprins is literally the most fun and best discord bot around town! I can't wait for v2 to come out, and I'm bumbling in my seat!