Thunder Bot is a multilingual bot that has many features (tickets system, music, moderation, cases, logging, welcomer, captcha, suggestions)
➜ Developers: Darooo#1121, molly#3024
➜ Prefix !
➜ Thunder has a dashboard (https://thunder4.fun/dashboard)
➜ To get help on a specific command type <prefix>help
➜ Thunder bot is multifunctional. It has many features and is very easy to use. The bot has welcome, ghost pings, goodbye, logging, levels, suggestions, captcha, tickets, music, multilanguage, editable prefix, and more soon
➜ Welcomes: ㅤ➜ Welcomes will let you know who exactly has entered the server. ➜ Ghost pings: ㅤ➜ Want a person to check out a certain channel? Select the channel you want the new user on your server to be pinged on! ➜ Ghost pings: ㅤ➜ With goodbyes you can easily see who has left your server. ➜ Logging: ㅤ➜ Logging will help you keep your server in order, with them you know for example what channel was deleted or who deleted a message ➜ Levels: ㅤ➜ The level system will allow you to see who contributes the most on the server. ➜ Suggestions: ㅤ➜ Need feedback from your server members? Enable suggestions on the server of your choice. ➜ Captcha: ㅤ➜ Captcha will allow you to verify a user and see if they are a bot. ➜ Tickets: ㅤ➜ Tired of typing in three different places, use tickets to get everything on your server. (If you save a ticket when you close it, it will appear in your server's dashboard) ➜ Music: ㅤ➜ If you are tired of listening to music with ads on other portals, use Thunder bot, it is fast and has clear sound. ➜ Multilanguage: ㅤ➜ Our bot is mainly in English, but you can change the language to Polish. (In the future there will be German, Spanish, French and others) ➜ Editable prefix: ㅤ➜ You don't need chaos, everyone knows that. Set the prefix to your preference.
(new commands will be added in next update)
6 reviews
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almost 3 years ago
fajny bot bo dali mi moda i moge wprowadzac rezim ale ogoline ma tez fajne funkcje np. ban
! (editable)
Server Count
English (EN)
Polish (PL)
German (DE)