Broid BotAdvanced EconomyEconomy+6ViewInviteVote (11)Selamlar, botun ismi broid bot bir Eğlence botu olmakla beraber yanında birkaç moderasyon komudu beraberinde gelmekteSelamlar, botun ismi broid bot bir Eğlence botu olmakla beraber yanında birkaç moderasyon komudu beraberinde gelmekteViewInviteVote (11)
AoloCraft24/7 musicActive community +10ViewInviteVote (6)Questo bot è stato creato da birlino#4256Questo bot è stato creato da birlino#4256ViewInviteVote (6)
Muscle Man5BotBots+10ViewInviteVote (4)Muscle Man from Regular Show... as a discord bot??!Muscle Man from Regular Show... as a discord bot??!ViewInviteVote (4)
translate.dsentertainmentFun+8ViewInviteVote (2)Translate anything you want multiple times!Translate anything you want multiple times!ViewInviteVote (2)
LynxBot5Englishfunny+3ViewInviteVote (2)Headline: Your Ultimate Bot Companion for Streamlined Tasks and Fun Interactions!Headline: Your Ultimate Bot Companion for Streamlined Tasks and Fun Interactions!ViewInviteVote (2)
PoeBotentertainmentfunny+3ViewInviteVote (2)Just a goofy lil' botJust a goofy lil' botViewInviteVote (2)
TopbotAdministracionFun+10ViewInviteVote (1)Topbot - A bot by furore.Topbot - A bot by furore.ViewInviteVote (1)
greentextbot4chancursed images+4ViewInviteVote (1)Discord bot that shares a random greentext from the /r/greentext hot section Discord bot that shares a random greentext from the /r/greentext hot section ViewInviteVote (1)
GoathyAI Chatbotchatbot+10ViewInviteVote (1)Chatbot that talking like real human but strange.Chatbot that talking like real human but strange.ViewInviteVote (1)