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Explore, equip yourself, raid with your friends, and conquer dungeons with Aruscha!

✕━━━ Aruscha ━━━✕

Discover Aruscha, your adventure companion in a breathtaking fantasy world. Dive into epic quests, explore enchanting landscapes, and uncover hidden treasures. Join thrilling raids with your friends and face mythical creatures in formidable dungeons.

Aruscha allows you to become a hero in a medieval fantasy world. Every piece of equipment you find will help you improve every action you undertake and devise new strategies. Form alliances with other players, trade valuable resources, and develop tactics to defeat the most powerful bosses.

Aruscha's dungeons are designed to test your skills and courage. Each dungeon is an adventure in itself, filled with different rooms, deadly monsters, and priceless rewards. Whether you prefer to play solo or in a team, Aruscha offers an immersive and dynamic experience.

Aruscha's community is welcoming and active, ready to share tips, organize events, and celebrate victories. With regular updates and exciting new content, each day brings new opportunities for exploration and discovery.

Get ready to embark on an unforgettable adventure with Aruscha. Forge your destiny, discover unknown worlds, and write your legend in the annals of fantasy history.

Aruscha awaits you, hero.

✕━━━ Technical Info ━━━✕

Once added, Aruscha will ask you to use the command /setup. After that it create its own category and dedicated channels with the right language you chose. Creating a game is great, but ensuring it doesn't clutter the rest of the server is essential during setup. Don't hesitate to share on how you felt while installing it because it's a really crucial moment on a bot life !

Feel free to create new channels in the category if needed, but do not delete the existing ones as Aruscha will use them to notify you of events, valuable information, the arrival of a raid boss, or a new non-player character. If deleted, you can fix it by resetup the server.

The bot is continuously evolving and many updates are on the way! There is nothing you need to do to receive them, and the updates aim to never impact its availability.

Join the community and participate in the development by sharing your ideas, desires, and feedback!

A bot that listens to its players will only become stronger!

The adventure begins now!

✕━━━ Latest Updates ━━━✕

May 25, 2024

Bot creation Initial commands /hunt /duel

May 26, 2024

Addition of explorations and equipment Commands /look, /use, /give_item, /give

May 27, 2024

Addition of raids Introduction of a wide variety of effects 89 items available

May 28, 2024

First NPC Dungeon appearance Improved command feedback when parameters are incorrect

May 30, 2024

Addition of new equipment and effects Added barriers between commands to prevent trading during dungeons, for example

May 31, 2024

Added command /unuse to unequip current weapon

June 1, 2024

Added a second NPC Added daily quests

June 4, 2024

Raid updates Global loot adjustments

June 7, 2024

Added a new NPC Added adventures 6 initial adventures in two different environments! Display corrections

June 9, 2024

Equipment can have multiple effects Battle bonus displays have been standardized

June 10, 2024

Added a new NPC Added a forge 9 new adventures

June 12, 2024

Improved logging and bug feedback Added a report command

June 18, 2024

Added translations in English, Spanish, French and German Commands /lang /setup

June 20, 2024

Added Events for special event days New command /box to get rewards from the events !

June 21, 2024

Added Moon phases events for special rewards New command /moon to get moon dates and grab rewards !

June 25, 2024

Clans added ! Create yours, manage it with tags, description and image ! invite people in it and cooperate with them ! New command /clan to manage clans ! One single command for all ! New self-made bot profile picture ! Forge and key cost decreased !

June 28, 2024

Clan war are available ! Declare ware, accept or decline the war, battle with other players ! /war command to battle ! War rules through the /clan & /help command War rewards and clan score !

July 3, 2024

Community server added ! Aruscha's website online with stats and all commands available ! Big fixes & daily stats sync with website

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