Logging, welcoming message + image, reaction commands, a few misc. commands for fun stuff, and anti-advertising + anti-spam.
Log moderation events such as when the clear command is used, bans, and unbans. [+set modlog channel]
Log message events such as edited messages and deleted messages including attachment links. [+set messagelog channel]
Log user events such as nickname, name, and role changes. [+set userlog channel]
Set any prefix that you would like to use (the default is +). [+set prefix {prefix}]
Enable or disable the anti-spam feature which triggers on the use of a sentence 7+ times and clears the spam. [+set anti-spam {true/false}]
Enable or disable the anti-link feature which deletes any discord links posted by users without the Manage Messages permission. [+set anti-link {true/false}]
Enable or disable the welcome feature which enables welcome messages. [+set welcome toggle {true/false}]
Set the welcome channel to either a specific channel or to message the user. [+set welcome channel]
Set the welcome image to 0 for no welcome image, to 1 for the first welcome image, or to 2 for the second welcome image. [+set welcome image {0/1/2}]
Clear any settings you have set by using the commands that be found by using the clear command. [+remove help]
========= Reaction/Action Commands =========
Hug another user. [+hug @user]
Pat another user. [+pat @user]
Kiss another user. [+kiss @user]
Slap another user. [+slap @user]
Spank another user. [+spank @user]
Lick another user. [+lick @user]
Tell another user that they're being lewd or post a lewd reaction picture/gif. [+lewd {@user}]
Receive a random JonTron reaction gif. [+jontron]
Receive a random noot noot gif. [+noot]
========= Fun Commands =========
Receive an answer from the magical 8-ball. [+8ball question]
Flip a coin for heads or tails. [+flip]
Roll the dice and get a number between the two specified by you. [+roll (smaller number) (larger number)]
========= Information Commands =========
Receive general server information including specific member and bot counts. [+serverinfo]
Receive information about the Yoshino bot itself. [+info]
Receive a helpful list of commands for Yoshino. [+help]
Receive a helpful list of moderation and administration commands for Yoshino. [+modcommands]
========= Misc. Commands =========
Receive an invite link for the Yoshino discord bot. [+inviteme]
Have the bot show you a specific color. [+color (hex color)]
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