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A RP bot, with a working inventory, market and economy, team setups and characters aswell

The link to add the bot above now points to the invite for RPGBot-v2, if you want to add old RPGBot, please use this link


For a full and up to date command list, please see the website

Characters Commands


Description: List all guild characters

Usage: rp!allchars


Description: Get info on a character

Usage: rp![character|c|char|personnage] <name>

character create

Description: Create a new character

Usage: rp!character [create|new|nouveau|creer] <name> [user]

character delete

Description: Delete a character of the given name (you must be the owner)

Usage: rp!character [delete|remove|supprimer] <name>

character edit

Description: Edit a character Usage: rp!character edit John description John likes bananas! Valid values for the [item] (second argument): name: the character's name description: the description of the character level: an integer representing the character's level meta: used like the additional info section when creating; can be used to edit/remove all attributes Anything else will edit single attributes in the additional info section

Usage: rp!character edit <character> <attribute> <value>

character remattr

Description: Delete a character attribute Usage: rp!character remattr John hair color

Usage: rp!character remattr <character> <attribute>


Description: List all your characters

Usage: rp![characters|chars|personnages] [user]

Economy Commands

Economy related commands: balance, market, etc


Description: Get the top 10 server balances

Usage: rp!baltop

bank deposit

Description: Deposit amount into the bank

Usage: rp!bank deposit <amount>

bank withdraw

Description: Withdraw amount from the bank

Usage: rp!bank withdraw <amount>


Description: Place a bid on the current bidding item in the channel

Usage: rp!bid


Description: Check your or another users balance

Usage: rp![economy|bal|balance|eco|e] [member]


Description: Give the member's money (Moderators)

Usage: rp!givemoney <amount> [members...]


Description: List the currently running lottos.

Usage: rp![lotto|lottery]

lotto cancel

Description: Cancel a lottery

Usage: rp!lotto [cancel|delete] <name>

lotto enter

Description: Enter the lottery with the given name.

Usage: rp!lotto [enter|join] <name>

lotto new

Description: Create a new lotto, with jacpot payout lasting time in seconds

Usage: rp!lotto [new|create] <name> <jackpot> <time>


Description: View the current market listings

Usage: rp![market|m|pm]

market buy

Description: Buy a given amount of an item from the player market at the cheapest given price

Usage: rp!market [buy|purchase|acheter] <id>

market create

Description: Create a new market listing

Usage: rp!market [create|createlisting|new|listitem|list] <cost> <amount> <item>

market remove

Description: Remove an item from the market

Usage: rp!market [remove|rm] <id>

market search

Description: Search the market for an item

Usage: rp!market search <item>


Description: Pay another user money

Usage: rp!pay <amount> <member>


Description: Set the balance of the given members to an amount

Usage: rp![setbalance|set] <amount> [members...]


Description: Get all items currently listed on the server shop

Usage: rp!shop

shop additem

Description: Add an item to the server shop, to make an item unsaleable or unbuyable set their respective values to 0 pb!additem Pokeball -> 0 -> 10 Can be sold for 10 and cannot be bought. Must be an existing item! Requires Bot Moderator or Admin

Usage: rp!shop [additem|add] <name>

shop buy

Description: Buy an item from the shop

Usage: rp!shop buy <item> <amount>

shop removeitem

Description: Remove a listed item

Usage: rp!shop removeitem <name>

shop sell

Description: Sell an item to the shop

Usage: rp!shop sell <item> <amount>


Description: Start a bid for an item

Usage: rp!startbid <item> <amount> <startbid>


Description: Take the member's money (Moderators)

Usage: rp!takemoney <amount> [members...]

Groups Commands

Commands for guild management


Description: Get info on a member's guild. Subcommands for guild management

Usage: rp![guild|g] [member]

guild create

Description: Create a new guild

Usage: rp!guild create <name>

guild delete

Description: Delete your guild

Usage: rp!guild delete [name]

guild deposit

Description: Deposit an amount of money into the guild bank

Usage: rp!guild deposit <amount> [guild_name]

guild deposititems

Description: Deposit items into the guild's storage, uses {item}x{#} notation

Usage: rp!guild deposititems [items...]

guild info

Description: Get info on a guild

Usage: rp!guild info <name>

guild invite

Description: Invite a user your closed guild

Usage: rp!guild invite <user>

guild join

Description: Join a guild (if you have an invite for closed guilds)

Usage: rp!guild join <name>

guild kick

Description: Kick a member from a guild

Usage: rp!guild kick <user>

guild leave

Description: Leave your guild

Usage: rp!guild leave

guild setdescription

Description: Set the guild's description

Usage: rp!guild [setdescription|setdesc] <description>

guild seticon

Description: Set the guild's icon

Usage: rp!guild seticon <url>

guild setimage

Description: Set the guild's image

Usage: rp!guild setimage <url>

guild setmod

Description: Give the listed users mod for your guild (guild owner only)

Usage: rp!guild setmod [members...]

guild toggleopen

Description: Toggle the Guilds open state

Usage: rp!guild toggleopen

guild transfer

Description: Transfer ownership of a guild to someone else

Usage: rp!guild transfer <user>

guild withdraw

Description: Take money from the guild bank

Usage: rp!guild withdraw <amount>

guild withdrawitems

Description: Withdraw items from the guild (guild mods only)

Usage: rp!guild withdrawitems [items...]


Description: List guilds

Usage: rp!guilds

Inventory Commands


Description: Craft a recipe with a given name from the available server recipes; e.g. rp!craft 5 Apple Pie

Usage: rp!craft <number> <name>


Description: Give items ({item}x{#}) to a member; ie: rp!give @Henry#6174 Pokeballx3

Usage: rp!give <other> [items...]


Description: Give an item to a person (Not out of your inventory) Example: rp!giveitem Banana 32 @Henry#6174 @RPGBot#8700 @JoeShmoe#3012

Usage: rp!giveitem <item> <num> [members...]


Description: Check your or another users inventory. Example: rp!inventory @Henry#6174 or just rp!inventory

Usage: rp![inventory|i|inv] [member]


Description: List the current lootboxes

Usage: rp![lootbox|lb] [name]

lootbox buy

Description: Buy a lootbox of the given name

Usage: rp!lootbox buy <name>

lootbox create

Description: Create a new lootbox, under the given name for the given cost Use {item}x{#} notation to add items with {#} weight Weight being an integer. For example: rp!lootbox create MyBox 500 bananax2 orangex3. The outcome of the box will be Random Choice[banana, banana, orange, orange, orange] The price can also be an item (or several items), for example rp!lootbox create MyBox Key bananax2 orangex3 or rp!lootbox create MyBox Keyx2 bananax3 orangex3

Usage: rp!lootbox [create|new] <name> <cost> [items...]

lootbox delete

Description: Delete a lootbox with the given name

Usage: rp!lootbox [delete|remove] <name>


Description: Send a trade offer to another user. Usage: rp!inventory offer @Henry bananax3 applex1 --Format items as {item}x{#}

Usage: rp!offer <other> [items...]


Description: Subcommands for recipes. See data on a specific recipe; e.g. rp!recipe Banana

Usage: rp!recipe <name>

recipe create

Description: Create a new recipe; e.g. rp!recipe create Apple Pie

What items must be consumed to follow this recipe? e.g. Applex5 Breadx2 Applex5 Breadx15 "Pie Tinx1" What items will be given upon the completion of this recipe? e.g. "Apple Piex1" "Apple Piex1" "Pie Tinx1" Successfully created new recipe!

Usage: rp!recipe create <name>

recipe delete

Description: Delete the recipe with the given name; e.g. rp!recipe delete Apple Pie

Usage: rp!recipe delete <name>


Description: List all the available server recipes

Usage: rp!recipes


Description: Respond to a trade offer by another user. Usage: rp!inventory respond @Henry grapex8 applex1 --Format items as {item}x{#}

Usage: rp!respond <other> [items...]


Description: Remove an item from a person's inventory

Usage: rp![takeitem|take] <item> <num> [members...]


Description: Use an item. Example rp!use Banana or rp!use Banana 5 To make an item usable, you must put the key used: <message> when you are adding additional information for an item

Usage: rp!use <item> [number=1]


Description: Wipe all listed inventories. Must be administrator. To wipe ALL inventories do rp!wipeinv everyone

Usage: rp!wipeinv [members...]

Mapping Commands


Description: See the server map

Usage: rp![map|carte] <name>

map buy

Description: Buy an item from the shop on the current tile

Usage: rp!map buy <mapname> <character> <amount> <itemname>

map check

Description: Inspect the current tile a character is on

Usage: rp!map [check|look|regarder|inspect|voir] <mapname> <character>

map create

Description: Create a map that will generate as it is explored. Set xmax and ymax to -1 for an infinite map ($5 Patrons only)

Usage: rp!map create <mapname> <xmax> <ymax>

map delete

Description: Delete a map

Usage: rp!map [delete|supprimer] <name>

map down

Description: Move south on a map

Usage: rp!map [down|south|sud] <mapname> <character>

map generate

Description: Create a custom map for the guild. Usage: rp!map create Earth 64 64 This will create a 64x64 map that will generate as the players explore it

Usage: rp!map [generate|creer|new|nouvelle] <name> <xsize> <ysize>

map left

Description: Move West on a map

Usage: rp!map [left|west|ouest|gauche] <mapname> <character>

map right

Description: Move East on a map

Usage: rp!map [right|east|est|droit] <mapname> <character>

map up

Description: Move North on a map

Usage: rp!map [up|north|nord] <mapname> <character>

Misc Commands


Description: Donation information

Usage: rp!donate


Description: Give me some feedback on the bot

Usage: rp!feedback <feedback>


Description: Bot Info

Usage: rp!info


Description: Test the bot's connection ping

Usage: rp!ping


Description: Roll a number of dice with given sides (ndx notation) Example: rp!rtd 3d7 2d4 Optional Additions: Test for success by adding a >/<# Grab the top n rolls by adding ^n Add to the final roll by just adding a number (pos or neg)

Examples of all: rp!rtd 8d8 -12 15 ^4 >32

-> Roll failed (30 > 32) ([8 + 7 + 6 + 6] + -12 + 15) (Grabbed top 4 out of 8)

Usage: rp![rtd|rollthedice|dice] [dice...]


Description: Displays my full source code or for a specific command. To display the source code of a subcommand you have to separate it by periods, e.g. tag.create for the create subcommand of the tag command.

Usage: rp!source [command]


Description: Get totals of commands and their number of uses

Usage: rp!totalcmds

Pets Commands


Description: Check the pet in your box

Usage: rp!box [member]


Description: Subcommands for Pet management, see rp!help pet Same use as rp!box

Usage: rp![pet|p] [member]

pet create

Description: Create a new Pet to add to your box

Usage: rp!pet [create|new]

pet edit

Description: Edit a pet Usage: rp!pet edit 5 description John likes bananas! Valid values for the [item] (second argument): name: the character's name description: the description of the character level: an integer representing the character's level meta: used like the additional info section when creating; can be used to edit/remove all attributes Anything else will edit single attributes in the additional info section

Usage: rp!pet edit <pet_id> <attribute> <value>

pet info

Description: Get info on a Pet

Usage: rp!pet info <id>

pet release

Description: Release a Pet from your box

Usage: rp!pet [release|delete|rm|remove] <id>

pet trade

Description: Offer a trade to a user. your_id is the ID of the Pet you want to give, their_id is the Pet you want from them. other being the user you want to trade with

Usage: rp!pet trade <your_id> <their_id> <other>

Salary Commands

Salary commands


Description: See server salaries

Usage: rp!salaries


Description: Get a role's salary. Also includes salary subcommands

Usage: rp![salary|sal] <role>

salary create

Description: Create a daily salary for a user with the given role. Roles are paid every day at 24:00, every user with the role will receive the amount specified. If a role with a salary is deleted, the salary will also be deleted. For example rp!salary create @Bot Creator 500 Will create a salary of $500 for a user daily rp!salary create @Bot Creator Bananax3 Orangex4 Will create a salary of 3 Bananas and 4 Oranges for a user daily

Usage: rp!salary create <role> [items_or_number...]

salary delete

Description: Remove a created salary

Usage: rp!salary delete <role>

salary payout

Description: Manually pay out salaries for a role or all roles

Usage: rp!salary payout [role]

Settings Commands


Description: Set the guild currency

Usage: rp!currency <currency>


Description: Set a time for messages to be automatically deleted after running. rp!deleteafter 0 to make messages never be deleted

Usage: rp!deleteafter <time>


Description: Set the guild language or check the language

Usage: rp!language [language]


Description: This command will pre-load all D&D items and make them available to give

Usage: rp!loaddnd


Description: This command will pre-load all D&D Magic items and make them available to give

Usage: rp!loaddndmagic


Description: This command will pre-load all D&D items and make them available in shop

Usage: rp!loaddndshop


Description: This command will pre-load all D&D Magic items and make them available in shop

Usage: rp!loadmagicshop


Description: This command will pre-load all Pokemon items and make them available to give

Usage: rp!loadpokemon


Description: This command will pre-load all D&D items and make them available to give

Usage: rp!loadstarwars


Description: This command will pre-load all D&D items and make them available in shop

Usage: rp!loadstarwarsshop


Description: Set the money start amount for a guild

Usage: rp!setstart <amount>


Description: Get the current server settings

Usage: rp![settings|s|configuration|conf]

settings additem

Description: Add a custom item. Custom keys that can be used for special additions: image Setting this to a URL will give that item a special thumbnail when info is viewed for it

Usage: rp!settings additem <name>

settings iteminfo

Description: Get info on a server item

Usage: rp!settings iteminfo <item>

settings items

Description: See all items for a guild

Usage: rp!settings items [letter]

settings removeitem

Description: Remove a custom item

Usage: rp!settings [removeitem|deleteitem] <name>


Description: Unload Pokemon, D&D, or D&D Magic items. rp!unload pokemon rp!unload dnd rp!unload dndmagic

Usage: rp!unload <name>

Team Commands


Description: Check a character's team

Usage: rp!team <character>

team add

Description: Add a Pet to a character's team

Usage: rp!team [add|addmember] <character> <id>

team remove

Description: Remove a Pet from a character's team

Usage: rp!team [remove|removemember] <character> <id>

User Commands

Commands for guild management


Description: Get your or another user's level information. Help on this command for experience subcommands EXP is calculated using a 0.1x^2+5x+4 where x is equal to the user's current level Spamming commands or messages will not earn more exp!

Usage: rp![experience|exp] [member]

experience add

Description: Give the given members an amount of experience

Usage: rp!experience add <amount> [members...]

experience disable

Description: Disable EXP settings for a guild

Usage: rp!experience disable

experience enable

Description: Enable EXP settings for a guild

Usage: rp!experience enable

experience setlevel

Description: Set the given members level

Usage: rp!experience [setlevel|set] <level> [members...]


Description: Get info on a user

Usage: rp![userinfo|ui] [user]

Ratings & Reviews


6 reviews

Reviews can be left only by registered users. All reviews are moderated by Top.gg moderators. Please make sure to check our guidelines before posting.

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1 star



over 2 years ago

very nice bot, but does anyone know how I CREATE an item??



almost 3 years ago

I love what it can do, but a few issues. It is overly complicated, has very short cooldowns, and many unnecessary commands. I have to use multiple commands just to add an item to the shop. I gave up on char creation; it was just a mess. It definitely needs to be simpled down and easier to use. Sure, if I kept messing with it, I would get it, but no time for that. I just need an easy shop/inventory ... (edited)



over 3 years ago

Rpg bot stopped responding, can you please fix this problem?



almost 4 years ago

heres a free 5 star :)



over 3 years ago






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