Discord bot with Fornite functionality in mind. Get stats, updates, and more! Custom prefix supported.
A Discord Bot built for use specifically in Fortnite related Discord servers. Made with hate and discord.py. This bot is not designed to be setup by anyone else, but it's design intention is easy to understand.
Info: Currently each command is prefixed with a period (.), but this can be configured per-server.
Command and Aliases |
Description | Usage |
.duo |
Return duo stats for a player or yourself using Partybus.gg. | .duo , .duo ImTheMyth |
.solo |
Return solo stats for a player or yourself using Partybus.gg. | .solo , .solo ImTheMyth |
.squad |
Return squad stats for a player or yourself using Partybus.gg. | .squad , .squad ImTheMyth |
.ign |
Tag your Fortnite IGN to your Discord account. Surround names with spaces in quotes. Empty to see current. | .ign , .ign ImTheMyth |
.stats |
Returns a player's stats from PartyBus.gg | .stats DoctorJew |
.lpg |
Get a player's last played game stats from PartyBus.gg | .lpg DoctorJew , .lpg |
Command and Aliases |
Description | Usage |
.info |
Returns information about the bot. | .info |
.prefix |
Get the command prefix of this server. | .prefix |
Command and Aliases |
Description | Usage |
.daily |
Get daily sale items. | .daily |
.weekly |
Get weekly sale items. | .weekly |
.lfg |
Are you looking for a game? | .lfg |
.bug |
Where to report a bug found in Fortnite. | .bug |
.support |
Do you need Epic Games support? | .support |
Command and Aliases |
Description | Usage |
.reddit sticky |
Get the stickied posts from /r/Fortnite or /r/FortniteBR | .reddit sticky fortnite , .reddit sticky fortnitebr |
.reddit official |
Get official posts from Epic Games currently on the front page. | .reddit official |
Command and Aliases |
Description | Usage |
.settings cog get |
Get the current status of a cog/extension/plugin. Use 'all' instead to get all cogs. | .settings cog get all , .settings cog get reddit |
.settings cog set |
Set the status of a cog/extension/plugin. Value must be true/false. | .settings cog set reddit false |
.settings prefix add |
Add another prefix for this server. BE CAREFUL! Remember you can @ the bot if you mess up. | .settings prefix add $ |
.settings prefix get |
Get the prefix for this server. | .settings prefix get |
.settings prefix remove |
Remove a prefix for this server. You must always have at least one. | .settings prefix remove $ |
.settings prefix reset |
Reset the server prefix to the default. | .settings prefix reset |
.settings prefix set |
Set the ONE prefix for this server. Use add to add more. Remember you can @ the bot if you mess up. | .settings prefix set ! |
10 reviews
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1 star
almost 4 years ago
Where can I contact the creator? I would like to invite this but it's not letting me.
Server Count