Tori-Bot is made by WoodyFollz#7940 and it is an MMORPG on Discord based on the univers of Dragon Ball !
To start your adventure, you will need to do : &profile
After that, you will be part of the adventure ! You will receive 5 000 Zeni, 5 Dragon Stone and equipments/items.
&profile (&p) | Show your profile (separated on 4 sections : character, stats, equipments, badges) |
&bag | Show your bag (contain items) |
&daily | &Receive a reward everyday |
&hourly (&hr) | Receive a reward every hour |
&search | Go search the 7 Dragon Balls |
&battle | &Show you the boss list or fight a boss |
&incubator (&in) | Show informations on your incubator / you can sleep to restore your HP |
&summon (&sm) | Summon a character |
&character (&ch) | Show your main character / you can view stats of your other character / you can see all your characters |
&shop | Show you a list of object/equipment that you can buy or upgrade |
&top (&leaderboard) | Show you the players leaderboard by the rank |
&box | Show you a list of your box |
&shenron | Summon Shenron to grant a wish (You will need 7 Dragon Balls to summon it) |
&train | Train to increase your Power and your Attack Power |
&rep | Show your reputation point / give a reputation point with &rep @someone |
&use | Use an item |
&open | Open a box |
&quest | Show you your quest list |
&wish | Great a wish (need to summon Shenron before) |
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