Multipurpose discord bot. It has games/leveling system/memes/anime and some other useful commands.
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Current Commands
Help Commands:
_epic help Bot
_epic help Fun
_epic help Games
_epic help UserActions
_epic help Useful
_epic help Extra
_epic help Anime
_epic help Credits
_epic help Admin
Help Commands:
Info Bot - Gives stats about EpicBot
FeedBack [Message] - Sends feedback to the creator of this bot
CommandRequest [Message] - Requests a new command
Link Gives the discordbot link
Updates Gives the discordbot link
Fun Commands:
Say [Message] - Says a line of text
RockPaperScissors or RPS [Choice] - Play rock paper scissors against the bot
8Ball [Question] - Ask 8ball a question
wtf [Topic] - Current topics: Beans, Cursed, NotMyJob
Pun - Tells a pun
Image - Shows a random Image
Gif - Shows a random Gif
Meme - Shows a random Meme
Wiki - Shows a random WikiHow page
Ligma - Shows how much Ligma you have
Games Commands:
Fortnite Gives Fortnite Commands
RealmRoyale Gives RealmRoyale Commands
RocketLeague Gives RocketLeague Commands
PUBG Gives PUBG Commands
Destiny2 Gives Destiny2 Commands
OverWatch Gives OverWatch Commands
BattleField Gives BattleField Commands
R6 Gives R6 Commands
CSGO Gives CSGO Commands
ForHonor Gives ForHonor Commands
Division Gives Division Commands
Halo5 Gives Halo5 Commands
UserActions Commands:
User Info - Shows user info
Inventory - Shows user inventory
Bank - Shows bank info
Shop - Shows shop info
Claim Daily - Get daily money/xp
Use Item [Item Name] - Use a item
Useful Commands:
RandomNumber [Min Number] [Max Number] - Gives a random number between the given numbers
CoinFlip - Gives: Heads or Tails
YesorNo - Gives: Yes or No
Roll a Dice - Rolls a dice
Extra Commands:
HiddenGameKey [Give 4 Random Numbers] - If correct a steam Key will be given
Anime Commands:
Anime Show - Gives a random anime show
Anime Movie - Gives a random anime movie
Admin Commands:
Clean [Number] - Deletes the number of messeges given
Other Commands:
Credits - Shows sites used for info
Updates - Shows the latest updates added to this bot
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