You can now get a fortnite player's lifetime stats (PC - Xbox - PS) by using the new command: ftn
Prefix: .
Command | Description |
ftn |
Get lifetime stats for a fortnite player. |
help |
Sends the commands list |
8ball |
Ask the bot and it will reply with a random answer |
dm |
Send a direct message to the mentioned user |
userinfo |
Display information about a user |
ban |
Bans a user |
kick |
Kicks a user |
purge |
Deletes number of messages |
cat |
Sends a random cat picture |
dog |
Sends a random dog picture |
say |
Says your message |
yomama |
Joke with the mentioned user using yomama jokes |
serverinfo |
Shows a few information about the guild |
image |
Google image search |
getinvite |
Creates an invite for the current or mentioned channel |
settopic |
Changes the current or mentioned channel's topic |
report |
Report a user with a reason and it will be sent in the reports channel if found |
announce |
Send a message to announcements channel if found |
vckick |
Kick the mentioned user from their voice channel |
google |
Search something on google and the bot will give you the link |
shortenurl |
Convert a long link to a short one. |
talk |
Talk to the bot and it will reply to you (Cleverbot System) |
play |
Plays a song from youtube in your current voice channel |
stop |
Stops the player and leaves your current channel |
move |
Moves me to your current voice channel |
skip |
Skips your current song and plays the next one in the queue |
pause |
Pauses the player |
resume |
Resumes the player |
volume |
Changes the volume of the player |
np |
Shows the current song in the player |
queue |
Shows the list of the queued songs |
roll |
Roll a dice |
about |
Displays information about the bot |
uptime |
Shows the time since the bot has started up |
servers |
Shows the servers count that the bot has joined |
ping |
Shows the time taken for the bot to respond |
invite |
Sends my invitation link |
reportbug |
Report a bug and it will be sent to the owner |