over 3 years ago
Поставили для проигрывания радио. Собственно, как только я выбираю радиостанцию, он начинает проигрывание и тут же заканчивает, то есть со своей функцией не справляется. Соответсвенно, ставлю 1 звезду за это.
YouTube, Radio, Twitch, Translate, Weather, Polls, Currency convertor and other useful features!
Bot commands
To use the !b
commands you need to be a server admin or have role named bot.admin
Command | Description |
!help |
Shows help |
!help [command] |
Detail help !help y |
!help bot.admin |
Shows help how get bot.admin role |
Command | Description |
!b clear [from_num] |
Remove bot's messages !b clear or !b clear 3 removes all messages from 3rd message |
!b setconf [parameter] [value] |
Sets the bot configuration for your channel. |
Command | Description |
!v join |
Add bot into you voice channel |
!v leave |
Remove bot from voice channel |
Command | Description |
!play [youtube_url] |
Adds the track (or playlist) in a queue and start playing. For this command you don't need to use !v join , it happens automatically. |
!y add [song] |
Adds song from youtube |
!y clear |
Removes all songs from queue |
!y play |
Starts playing queue |
!y stop |
Stops playing queue |
!y skip |
Skipping one song |
!y list |
List of songs in queue |
Command | Description |
!r play [radio_station] |
Plays specified network radio station !r play http://air2.radiorecord.ru:9003/rr_320 |
!r stop |
Stops radio |
!r list |
List of radiostations |
!r station [station_code] |
Listen to the specified radio station |
Command | Description |
!w [place] |
Shows the weather in a specified location !w New York |
Command | Description |
!n [category] |
Displays news in the specified category !n technology |
Command | Description |
!t [target_lang] [text] |
Translator !t ru Hello world . All available languages can be seen in the documentation. |
Command | Description |
!c |
Shows currencies (default from config) |
!c list |
Shows list of available currencies |
!c [currency] |
Shows specified currency !c USD EUR |
!c conv [from][to][quantity] |
Converts one currency to another !c conv USD EUR 10 |
Command | Description |
!p new [fields] |
Creates new poll !p new field one \| field two \| field three |
!p vote [field_num] |
Votes in poll |
!p end |
Ends poll and shows results |
Command | Description |
!m [map/sat] [location] |
Sends location image from yandex map !m map New-York or !m sat New-York |
Command | Description |
!geoip [some_ip_address] |
Shows geographic information about IP |
Command | Description |
!twitch add [twitch_login] [custom_announce_message] |
Adds streamer in announcer (custom message is optional) |
!twitch remove [twitch_login] |
Removes streamer from announcer |
Command | Description |
!greetings add [text] |
Adds new greetings message with specified text |
!greetings remove |
Removes greetings message |
!greetings test |
Sends you a greetings message |
Parameter | Description |
general.language [string] |
Sets bot language |
general.timezone [num] |
Sets bot timezone |
general.nick [string] |
Sets bot nickname |
embed.color [hex color like #007700] |
Sets bot embed color |
news.country [string] |
Sets bot news country |
weather.city [string] |
Sets default city for weather |
1 review
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2 stars
1 star
over 3 years ago
Поставили для проигрывания радио. Собственно, как только я выбираю радиостанцию, он начинает проигрывание и тут же заканчивает, то есть со своей функцией не справляется. Соответсвенно, ставлю 1 звезду за это.
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