Boatmod is a bot that will help improve your server it has many features.
General Commands
- b!help
- b!uinfo
- b!sinfo
- b!random
- b!avatar
- b!avatar {@user}
Owner commands
Settings Commands
- b!settings
- b!settings mod_role {@role}
- b!settings mute_role {@role}
- b!settings auto_role {@role}
- b!settings changelogs {on/off}
- b!settings welcomes {on/off}
- b!settings leaves {on/off}
- b!settings messagelog {on/off}
- b!settings autorole {on/off}
- b!settings welcome_channel {<#channel>}
- b!settings leave_channel {<#channel>}
- b!settings log_channel {<#channel>}
- b!settings messagelog_channel <#channel>
- b!settings welcome_message {string}
- b!settings leave_message {string}
For welcome and leave mesages, use "{user}" in your message to use the persons username.
Tag Commands
- b!tag
- b!tag list
- b!tag add {name} {value}
- b!tag remove {name}
- b!tag {name}
Moderation Commands
- b!moderation
- b!moderation {@user}
- b!moderation find {id}
- b!moderation staff {@user}
- b!kick {@user} {reason}
- b!ban {@user} {reason}
- b!mute {@user} {reason}
- b!unmute {@user} {reason}
- b!prune
- b!prune {amount}
- b!prune {amount} {@user}
Warn Commands
- b!warn
- b!warn {@user} {reason}
- b!warn list {@user}
- b!warn find {id}
- b!warn remove {id}
Bmod Information
- NodeJS
- MongoDB
- Moment
- DiscordJS