This is a basic management bot with admin commands music commands and money commands
[] Optional <> Required
1. Add Money
Command: <preifx>addmoney [bank/wallet] @<user> <amount>
Usage: Allows all users with Manage Server perms to add money to any user in the servers account
2. balance
Command: <prefix>bal
Usage: Allows a user to see how much money they have in there account
3. deposit
Command: <prefix>dep <amount/all>
Usage: Allows user to deposit money from there wallet into there bank
4. withdraw
Command: <prefix>with <amount/all>
Usage: Allows user to withdraw money from there bank into there wallet
5. give
Command: <prefix>give @<user> <amount>
Usage: Allows user to give an amount of money from there wallet to another users wallet
6. Play
Command: <preifx>play <song name / url>
Usage: plays a song / video from youtube
7. Search
Command: <prefix>search <song name>
Usage: plays a song / video from youtube
8. Pause
Command: <prefix>pause
Usage: pauses music / video
9. Resume
Command: <prefix>resume
Usage: Resumes paused music / video
10. Volume
Command: <prefix>volume <0 - 200>
Usage: sets the bots volume for the current song
11. Queue
Command: <prefix>queue
Usage: shows the queue
12. Leave
Command: <prefix>leave
Usage: makes the bot leave the voice channel and clears the queue
13. botinfo
Command: <preifx>botinfo
Usage: shows bot info page
14. help
Command: <prefix>help [section]
Usage: shows help message
15. roles
Command: <prefix>roles
Usage: shows the servers roles
16. user
Command: <prefix>user @<user>
Usage: shows user information
17. server
Command: <prefix>server
Usage: shows server information
18. invite
Command: <prefix>invite
Usage: DM's user an invite link
19. ping
Command: <prefix>ping
Usage: shows the bots ping
20. antiswear
Command: <preifx>antiswear
Usage: Toggles antiswear on / off
21. ban
Command: <prefix>ban @<user> <reason>
Usage: bans user
22. kick
Command: <prefix>kick @<user> <reason>
Usage: kicks user
23. logs
Command: <prefix>logs #<logs>
Usage: sets the logs channel
24. mute
Command: <prefix>mute @<user> [time]
Usage: mutes a user
25. purge
Command: <prefix>purge [amount]
Usage: deletes messages
26. setprefix
Command: <prefix>setprefix <prefix>
Usage: sets the custom prefix
27. warn
Command <prefix>warn @<user> [reason]
Usage: allows admins to warn users
28. warnings
Command: <prefix>warnings @<user>/<warning id>
Usage: Allows a user / admin to see a users warnings
**29 delete warnings
Command : <prefix>delete-warning @<user>/<Warning id>
Usage: allows admins to delete a warning or clear a users warnings
1. Antiswear Listner
Command: NULL
Usage: Listens for swear words
version v3.2
last edit: 06:05 21/07/2019
Developer: [WSD]One K.#5237
Database: MongoDB
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