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Hug your friends, customize your profile, welcome new members and much more!

alt text Documentation - Kurisu

(This documentation has been renewed for V1.2.0 | xTh of May 2021)
(Kurisu Support server: https://discord.gg/sYywKD2)
(Invite Kurisu: https://kurisubot.net/invite)
(The always up to date documentation can be found at https://kurisubot.net/documentation)

Discord Bots

Table of content


Kurisu is a discord entertainment bot developed by Fehleno and EnderCrypt. Users are able to use Kurisu to hug their friends, give jokes to them, show images of red pandas (and normal pandas too!), get their fortune, ask an 8ball for help to make important life decisions and many many other things!

Development history

Let's get a bit personal first. My name is Nico and I'm 20 years old as for now (alright that's enough already). I've started Kurisu as a bot project on the 1st of March 2019. That was the first ever bot I've created. And that was with the Discord Bot Maker. The only programming knowledge I had at that point was working with Batch files. The discord bot maker version of Kurisu was garbage. Let's be real with that. I've dropped it 3 days after I've started it. But luckily for me, I had a friend that already has his own discord bot running (with Discord JS and commando)! He helped me to get my own bot started without pre-made scripts. But I didn't get far myself because of my lack of JavaScript knowledge. I've added some commands here and there with a lot of copy pasting but I wasn't proud of it. That's where EnderCrypt joined the project. He gave me tons of material for learning JS, he added a lot of cool things himself and got me hooked to coding. At this point I have a fair amount of knowledge, and Kurisu has been completely rewritten in [Java](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_(programming_language)!


command name - [aliases] - Description - (Example)

Action commands:

All action commands require an argument (tagging a user.) If the argument is null (left blank), Kurisu will target the action command at you. If you try to aim an Action command at Kurisu, she'll use the Action command on you.

  • avada-kedavra - [avada] - Will reply with a gif showcasing Lord Voldemort from Harry Potter where he uses a so called "killing curse". - avada-kedavra
  • cuddle - [hug] - Uses an API (nekos.life) to hug/cuddle a user. - cuddle
  • explode - [xplode, ekupurosion] - Will cast explosion magic at a user. - explode
  • feed- Uses an API (nekos.life) to feed a user. - feed
  • pat - Uses an API (nekos.life) to pat a user. - pat
  • poke - Uses an API (nekos.life) to poke a user. - poke
  • slap - Uses an API (nekos.life) to slap a user. - slap
  • smug - Uses an API (nekos.life) to display a random smug face. - smug

Economy commands:

The currency is currently called Credits

  • credits - [balance] - Will respond with the amount of Credits that the mentioned user has. If nobody has been mentioned, it will return your amount of Credits. - credits
  • daily - Will give you 100 Credits You can use this command every 23h. You can mention someone to give them your daily Credits. As you keep using this command, your "daily streak" will increase, and you'll get more and more coins every day until you reach the maximum. Every 10 days you will get a "Silver Upa" which can be sold. - daily
  • f -Makes Kurisu say that you paid your respect and will increase your respect counter. - f
  • gamble - Allows you to gamble with your Credits. The maximum amount you can bet is always 50% of your current wallet. - gamble
  • gamble max - Allows you to gamble the max amount of credits.
  • rep - Allows you to give a reputation point to a mentioned user. You cannot give rep to yourself. It has a 24h cooldown. - rep
  • transfer - Will transfer Credits to a mentioned user. After running +transfer @user 5000 (100 min - 10000 max) you will then be asked to enter a confirmation pin. (10% of the entered amount will be taxed.) Entering an incorrect pin 3 times will cancel the transfer. - transfer

Fun commands:

  • eightball - [8ball, 8b] - Uses an API (nekos.life) to reply to a yes/no queston. - eightball
  • dadjoke - Uses an API (icanhazdadjoke.com) to reply with a random dad joke. - dadjoke
  • funfact - Uses an API (nekos.life) to reply with a random fun fact. - funfact
  • iq -Will reply with a randomly generated IQ value for the command executor or mentioned person. - iq
  • magic - Will reply with a magic trick gif. - magic
  • owoify - Uses an API (nekos.life) to convert your given text to OwO text. - owoify
  • quote - Uses an API (quote-garden.herokuapp.com) to reply with a random quote. - quote
  • spin - Will take your (or the mentioned users) profile picture and return a pinning gif! - spin
  • zoom - Will allow you to generate a gif with zooming text! The command takes the following arguments: +zoom c red c white {text} [the first c will add a text color argument, the second one will add a background color argument. The rest of the command is the text that will be zoomed. - zoom

Utility commands:

  • about - [me] - Will reply with general information about the bot. - about
  • avatar - Will reply with the profile picture (or avatar) of either the pinged user, or if no arguments are given with the command executor. If you use +avatar $server, you will get the server icon instead. - avatar
  • enlarge - Will reply with an direct link of an attached emote. - enlarge

Image commands:

  • birb - [bird] - Uses an API (some-random-api.ml) to reply with a random "birb" image. - birb
  • cat - [catto] - Uses an API (aws.random.cat) to reply with a random cat image. - cat
  • doggo - [dog] - Uses an API (random.dog) to reply with a random dog image. - dog
  • fox - [foxxo, foxy] - Uses an API (randomfox.ca) to reply with a random fox image. - fox
  • koala - Uses an API (some-random-api.ml) to reply with a random koala image. - koala
  • lizard - Uses an API (nekos.life) to reply with a random lizard image. - lizard
  • panda - Uses an API (some-random-api.ml) to reply with a random panda image. - panda
  • redpanda - Uses an API (some-random-api.ml) to reply with a random red panda image. - redpanda
  • shibe - [shibainu] - Uses an API (shibe.online) to reply with a random shiba inu image. - shibe

Item commands:

  • achievements - [accomplishments, ihatethisword] - Gives you a list of all achievements. You can check other people's achievements by pinging them or using their ID. - achievements
  • examine - [check, inspect, look] - Allows you to examine an item from your inventory! - examine
  • give - Allows you to give your items to someone else! The command operates in this way: +give @mention {item name} {item count} (The item count is optional) - give
  • inventory - [items, e, inv] - Allows you to see your or someone elses inventory! - inventory
  • sell - Allows you to sell items from your inventory! - sell
  • shop - [store, market] - Will open a shop instance! - shop
  • use - [click, use the, start, trigger, activate] - Allows you to use consumable items from your inventory! Using "+use *" will use any item that hits the future arguments! - use

Server Management commands:

All commands in this category requires you to have SERVER MANAGEMENT permissions!

  • guild levelup {on/off} - Allows you to turn the levelup messages on/off for your guild!
  • guild levelup redirect {on/off} - Allows you to redirect where the level up message will be posted. (By default, the message will be posted in the channel where a user levels up.)
  • guild levelup redirect {channel} - Allows you to select where a level up message will be posted. All you have to do is mention the channel! - example
  • guild prefix {prefix} - Allows you to change the bot's prefix for your server.
  • guild welcome toggle {on/off} - Allows you to turn the welcomer feature on/off. All welcomer messages will be sent in the channel where you execute this command!!
  • guild welcome message {welcome message} - Allows you to set the text that Kurisu will send when a new member joins your server! This command accepts the following variables: $user (will be displayed as the username: Fehleno) $id (will be displayed as id of the user: 210341399680253952) $userTag (will be displayed as the username + tag (will be displayed as: Fehleno#0001) $number (will be displayed as the member number) $mentionUser / $mentionedUser (will be displayed as an mention: @Fehleno#0001) $channel (will be displayed as the channel that the message has been sent in) $server (will be displayed as the server's name) - example
  • guild welcome image clear - Will reset the welcome image to it's default.
  • guild welcome image {url} - Allows you to set the welcomer image from an image url. Recommended image resolution is 650 x 250 in PNG format. - example
  • guild welcome image - Allows you to set the welcomer image to an attached file from the same message! Recommended image resolution is 650 x 250 in PNG format. - example
  • image lock - Allows you to check if a channel is image locked or not.
  • image lock enable - Will enable an image lock for the channel in which this command has been executed. Kurisu will delete all messages in an image locked channel that don't contain the following: an image/video link, an directly uploaded image/video.
  • image lock disable - Will disable an image lock from an channel.

Meme commands:

  • abandon - Will insert your text to the abandoned baby meme. - abandon
  • changemymind - Will insert your text to the change my mind meme. - changemymind
  • changemymind - Will insert your text to the change my mind meme. - changemymind
  • communist - Will add an USSR flag to the mentioned users avatar. communist
  • fact - Takes your message and puts it into the facts book. - fact
  • fedora - Will add a fedora to a mentioned users avatar. - fedora
  • gay - Will add a pride flag to a mentioned users avatar. - gay
  • laid - Will to place the mentioned users avatar to the not getting laid scheme. - laid
  • menacing - Allows you to add a menacing filter to a tagged user. - menacing
  • nitro - Sends a totally legit (not fake) nitro gift into the chat. - nitro


  • achievements - [ihatethisword] - Gives you a list of all achievements. You can check other people's achievements by pinging them or using their ID. You can also look up achievements in more detail if you add the achievement name after the command! - achievements
  • color - Allows you to change the color that will be used for certain user command (profile for example) It accepts HEX colors (#00ffff), color names (cyan) and RBG Colors (255 210 402) - color
  • level - Allows you to check your or someone else's level! - level
  • profile - Allows you to display your or someone else's profile card! - profile
  • profile background {background name} - Allows you to change your profile background - profile background
  • profile info {text} - Allows you to change your profile info box! - profile info
  • profile title {text} - Allows you to change your profile title! - profile title
  • vote - Allows you to vote for Kurisu on top.gg! Voting will give you Credits, Capsules and if you're lucky, lootboxes too! - vote


  • https://nekos.life
  • https://some-random-api.ml
  • http://aws.random.cat
  • https://shibe.online
  • https://random.dog
  • https://randomfox.ca
  • http://quote-garden.herokuapp.com
  • https://waifulabs.com (Rate limits apply)

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