A awesome moderation bot that can help you in you discord server every day! Frequent Updates!
How welcome works
When someone joins the server with Fixbot if you have a welcome channel it will post, "Welcome @whoeverjoined to What Ever Sever :wave:"
- f!help
- f!misc
- f!inv
- f!ban has a reason so example f!ban @TTVxScarlessx#7916 example. For ban you have to have one of these roles for it to work... "Administrator", "Admin", "Mod", "Owner", "OWNER"
- f!kick has a reason also so example f!kick @TTVxScarlessx#7916 example. For Kick you have to have one of these roles for it to work... "Moderator","Admin","Mod", "Owner", "Owner"
- f!say you do f!say Example then bot will message that embedded. For say you will need one of these roles for it to work... "Moderator","Admin","Mod", "Owner", "Owner"
- f!purge you do f!purge 1-100 and thats it. For purge you have to have one of these roles "Administrator", "Moderator", "OWNER", "Admin","Mod", "Owner".