(NOTE: This bot is currently in early development and this is subject to change in the future. Any suggestions or feedback can be given on the support server.)
- s!help | Lists all available commands.
- s!date | Shows the current date and time in EST.
- s!version | Displays the current bot version info.
- s!patchnotes | Displays the changelog for the current bot version.
- s!invite | Sends a DM including a link to invite me to another server.
- s!donate | Sends a DM including the bot developer's PayPal.
- s!support | Sends you an invite link to our support discord server.
- s!register | Creates a profile for your account.
- s!profile [@user-optional] | Views your personal global profile card.
- s!daily | Claims your daily amount of credits.
- s!rep [@user] | Award someone with a rep point.
- s!balance | Displays the user's balance in credits.
- s!backgrounds | Customize your profile card with backgrounds!
- s!mail | Check your mailbox for incoming messages, bot announcments, giveaways and prizes!
- s!8ball [question] | Answers a closed-ended question.
- s!coinflip [heads-tails] | Test your luck with a coin flip.
- s!ratewaifu [name-or-@user] | Responds with a rating from 1 to 10.
- s!owoify [message] | OwOifies a message.
- s!neko | Displays a cat girl :3.
- s!kitkat [@user] | Gives an user a kitkat.
- **s!propose [@user] | Propose to another Discord user.
- **s!divorce | Divorces you from your current spouse.
- s!slap [@user] | Slaps the mentioned user.
- s!hug [@user] | Hugs the mentioned user.
- s!kiss [@user] | Kisses the mentioned user.
- s!pat [@user] | Pats the mentioned user.
- s!cuddle [@user] | Cuddle with the mentioned user.
- s!poke [@user] | Pokes the mentioned user.
- s!excited | Displays an excited expression :D
- s!smug | Displays a smug expression c:<
Rocket League
- s!rlinfo | Displays the latest information about Rocket League.
- s!rlrank | (Coming Soon)
Genshin Impact
- s!genshininfo | Get the latest information on Genshin Impact relating to banners, events, etc.
- s!gchars [character-name] | Get information on the characters from Genshin Impact. (Coming Soon)
- s!gweapons [weapon-name] | Get information on the weapons from Genshin Impact. (Coming Soon)
- s!animesearch [anime-name] | Searches the MyAnimeList database for a specific anime.
- s!mangasearch [manga-name] | Searches the MyAnimeList database for a specific manga.
- s!mal | Displays anime and manga stats based on your MyAnimeList profile.
- s!setmal [username] | Sets your MAL username so you can view your profile stats.
- s!say [message] | Broadcasts a message from the bot.
- s!purge [amount] | Bulk deletes a set of messages at once. (2 min / 100 max | Messages sent within 14 days.)
- s!react [message-id] [emoji-name] | Reacts to a specified message with the specified emoji.
- s!kick [@user] [reason-optional] | Kicks an user from the server. Permissions: [Kick Members]
- s!ban [@user] [reason-optional] | Bans an user from the server. Permissions: [Ban Members]
- s!userinfo [@user-optional] | Displays information about the user such as ID, date of account creation, etc.
- s!serverinfo | Displays information about the current server such as ID, time created, roles, etc.
Server Configuration
- s!autoresponse [on/off] | Toggle on/off autoresponse.
- s!autorole | Toggle and set an autorole for the server.
- s!prefix set [new-prefix] OR s!prefix remove | Customize the server prefix.
- s!lvlmsg [on/off] | Toggle on/off level up messages for the server.
- **s!serversettings | View the current settings for the server.